Try to make points without demeaning other’s opinions. Your good points get diluted by the constant disrespect you show to others.
in 2012, pac12 champ game, Ducks shutout Arizona, 49-0,.. between then and 1958 there was another ? Oregon had five shutouts during the 1958 season,.. that team was the original "Gang-green" defense, sadly a moniker the Ducks rarely have had call to use,.. the Jets borrowed the name once.
hell, it's football season which is better than anything else... mammy always said, "the sun shines on every dog's ass sometimes, so you don't have to show yours". can't we all get along? during this hallowed time I'd like to extend the down market to those who manage to rustle one another to say it's really ok to disagree around here oh... and fuck florida