Well, its definitely gotten better, but theres just soooo...much that ya can't get in a MAC, that you have to weigh the good and the not so good when thinking about a purchase. Also, one of the things they don't tell ya on the cute little commercials on TV, is that if it goes down, it HAS to go to the shop. IBM machines most times can be repaired in the field. Now, does this mean I'm down on MACs? Not at all, as I said they're damn good machines, and its "almost" impossible to get a virus in them. So...it really comes down to personal taste. But those are the truths, I've messed around with these things since 1980...lots have changed, lots have stayed the same. :thumb:
i agree. besides, after 5 days of no net at all, any tf is fine with me!!! i swear, i was going through withdrawal!
Red told me of Boot Camp, mine now runs windows. I haven't been to the MAC partition in about a month. Got buggy once and scared me to death, haven't found a way to boot to a cd or flash to use my winternals toys or Bart's PE with a windows MAC.
Looks like he just capitalizes the I's and nothing else. Curious how a person can be so diligent about hitting the shift key strictly on those occasions.
What machine do you have? What OS on the MAC partition...OSX? It may be a problem with the partition itself...PM me and I'll give you a few things to try.
He limits his posts to 20 or fewer words thereby speeding up upload time but requires more posts to finish a thought. Maybe if Brett limits the size of a post, it will improve posting times? :huh:
Interestingly enough, I didn't know there was a problem! There was one or two incidents that I blamed on poor connections or overloaded BW, but overall its been about normal. I do use Opera as my browser. :thumb: :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige tigerb8