usually dont. sometimes I do for clarity or sometimes I do just for fun. i also dont use apostrophes very often.
I tried to repond to this last night, it is just now getting through.:hihi: Maybe we could all just fax chit to each other.... or send letters? It's an addiction so I can live with it. The price you pay for success, kinda like that $1200.00 ticket. If it's any concellation, I hear the boards at Bama and Auburn are still moving pretty quickly.:hihi:
Mac man here!:thumb: I haven't been able to purchase my new MacPro desktop yet, but hasn't the array of universal software widened as of late?
you must think you are really special to start a thread saying that you will not be here any longer. ok big freaking deal cya!!!!
yeah he's definitely the most irrational buffoon i've ever had the displeasure of reading. he also hosts their radio show which i think is probably the dumbest move by a business man ever. either way, most of the favorite team icons on that site are wrong. i don't know why they change them all the time. and yes, he posts all day long every day. pretty ridiculous.
i've been on the intel machines since they came out and there's no problems. haven't tried the new OS yet, but there's NOTHING to worry about with the switch. rosetta worked fine before the universal stuff came out and i'd say now about 90% or more of the new software is universal. so get a new one and tell me how awesome it is. i'm thinking about upgrading again.