well, looks like this most critical was a crappy call. and clm has let head of refs know it. things won't change though. http://lsu.247sports.com/Bolt/Miles-has-lengthy-call-about-officiating-32812493
The zebras made bad calls on both teams but the two must game changing calls went against LSU. The penalty on Vidal Alexander should have be a flag on both teams with offsetting penalties. Alexander did push the bama player but he did an obvious flop. And there was already a scrum in progress with both teams pushing and shoving each other after the whistle. And the second game changer I have to give Les a least part of the blame for not calling a timeout. The pass that was trapped would probably have been overturned after review but Bama rushed up and spiked the ball very quickly. Once another play has been run they can't review a previous play.
The booth told Les it was a catch. I've seen the replay numerous times. I haven't seen anything to overturn what Les was told.
It was not a trap. He had a hand under the ball. It was a clean catch unless he lost control when he rolled over.
Ok, here's the call. Notice #86 pulling Alexander's leg and then Alexander pushes him back. Should that have been a personal foul and on who? Miles said he talked to Steve Shaw, the head of SEC officiating. Steve btw is a graduate of the University of Alabama and resides in Birmingham. https://vine.co/v/OiKMjA56177
Hell, I was watching ESPN this afternoon and saw a clip of one of our defenders pulling the pants down of a Bama O line man. And no, a penalty wasn't called.
he was clearly trying to get that dude away from the pile of players and it went terribly awry. but funny nonetheless.