I’ll tell you what, in this world of high def TV, replays, etc, it’s gotta be tough being a ref, but man it seems to be getting worse. Both in college and NFL. Ask Gruden about NFL reffing after the Raiders game today.
https://deadspin.com/washington-dealt-unsportsmanlike-conduct-penalty-for-at-1839196360 this kind of deception is not allowed, the gain was wiped away and the referees gave McClatcher a 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. ESPN’s rules expert Bill Lemonnier joined the broadcast to explain: "One of the things they put in a year or two ago was you cannot take a player and lay him down to decoy like he’s not on the field. And he laid down in the end zone to blend in with the end zone, so the kicking team couldn’t see him. Then he got up, and he’s the guy that caught the backward pass. That’s why it’s an unsportsmanlike conduct foul. But it was instituted a couple years ago because so many of the teams were doing deceptive things in relation to the color of their jerseys laying in the end zone."
Agreed, it is bush-league but was it really so overwhelming that it required more rules. Part of me thinks you just dont like it cuz the ducks cant find any turf paint to match all those duck unis. :/
Lol,.. if we wanted to play that way, I'm sure Nike would provide unis that'd make our players invisible,.. stealth technology, our receivers would be un-coverable
Pansy bullshit West coast PC rule. Every damm football play as I said before is "intended to decieve" the offense or defense. One great example is AAPTIGER'S post. I am all for safety but PC rules are screwing up the game already we don't need to go any further.
I posted this in the Little Known Facts forum in July....."Walt Disney technicians developed and patented a shade of green they call "no see 'um green", because their research indicated people tend to overlook it. They use it to paint things in the theme parks they don't want us to notice, like electrical breaker boxes on the outside of the Haunted Mansion."