I can think of his first name. Chad, maybe? Jim Kelly's nephew... Freeze signed him a few weeks ago and he was in an altercation with the cops a day or two later. I don't know how many times he's been in situations with the police, but this is the same guy that was involved in a car accident while at Clemson (hit Ms. South Carolina) and proceeded to try to verbally intimidate her...same guy that got into it with professors on more than one occasion, same guy that got into it with a member of the baseball team in one of his classes...same guy that got into it with the coaching staff at their spring game and had to be escorted off the field by police...same guy that got kicked off the Clemson team. Wallace is gone. Swag Kelly, as he calls himself, looks like he's their QB for 2015. Based on his history, I'm not sure one can say he's more mentally stable than Bo.
I value that with anyone. When I read that quotes like "It is better to be prudent than merely courageous" and "discretion is the better part of valor" quickly come to mind