With an O line like that any QB would have problems. If the OL play does not improve they are going to behead Lee.
The guy was pulling up, for Christ's sake... :rolleye33: He could have leveled him; he obviously was trying his best to pull up and even tried to hold him up for a bit.
Uh, watch the game. They run a 3-4... just like Alabama does. They are huge with the three down linemen. The four have two HUGE guys at OLB and two smaller guys in the center. They aren't stacking anything. That's how you run a 3-4 Defense. If you are good with the "front seven" your DBs have a field day.
Exactly. People need to stop it. No team would sell out so totally on the run if Manning were the opposing QB. JJ is playing terrible. First time he's had to throw the ball this season to win a game and it's an epic fail. Lee is no world beater, but at least he can throw the ball.