My oh my! How the mighty Seastruck have fallen. By the time he's a Sr. (if he makes it there that long), he'll likely be playing in a version of the Big 8/12/whatever that's closer to either a watered-down SWC or a slightly better CUSA...
If he stays or leaves, it makes no difference to the NCAA. Reggie Bush was playing in his 3rd season in the NFL by the time USC got hit. So no smoke screen. Nice try though.
Actually, I read something similar. It's my understanding they were having a difficult time getting Lache to stop running lateral and get him to run up field. They assigned LMJ to him to work on getting that problem fixed. I'd also read that he was slipping down the depth charts. So I think there probably is some substance to those issues. As to the recruiting BS. That just Pi sses me off. Heck if there was something there, I'd think Oregon would want to KEEP him in Eugene so they could control anything he might say. Now if he's got something to say about the recruiting process he can take his shots at Oregon and not worry too much about it.
They can also now say he is no longer with the program. Since he was probably going to be ineligible any way best to cut ties as soon as possible. They weren't going to be able to control what he said anyway. When the ship starts sinking it will be every man for himself and he wasn't going to worry about what he said hurting OU.
Sure it makes a difference and do you really think it's valid to compare a player leaving as a RS fresh to one that left in the NFL draft? And for the one "Reggie Bush" look how many programs have handled other "situations" by being proactive. USC sat on their collective azzes and dared the NCAA to touch 'em.
True, it makes a little difference, but if anything, more will come out from Lache now that he's not attached to Oregon anymore. He's already said he still talks to Lyles all the time. Whatever happens to Oregon with the Lyles situation, the punishment will be the same if Lache is at Oregon or not.
Players don't talk, often. Even in MLB there's a code, an unspoken truth. I actually hope there is no punishment and Oregon is clean.
Same here, but you never know with the NCAA. I'm thinking Oregon gets a hand slap..but you never know.