Scott Linehan is the passing game coordinator.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by geaux9, Feb 10, 2020.

  1. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Yeah, eventually I get there. But I find if I go heavy on the ban button it makes things very confusing. I only have 1 person on the ban train atm. And you guys talk to him all the time and I am lost all the time when that happens.
    furduknfish likes this.
  2. unclenick

    unclenick LSU & USMC

    Aug 28, 2015
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    But your're not reading, you're hiding, hoping the bad man doesn't hit you with his belt.
  3. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    At every point you come off as a standard internet troll, and one very close in opinions as one we have seen before. Its boring and we have seen it, and I don't blame people for blocking it out of their lives. Some of us enjoy trolling the troll though, so it all works out for everyone. Enjoy what you get.
    shane0911 likes this.
  4. unclenick

    unclenick LSU & USMC

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Ok. I graduated from LSU, and want my University to do well. Therefore I'm a troll?

    Just because I point out some issues that affect 2020 LSU football?
  5. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    You are a bit of a troll my man. I don't think where you graduated from, even if LSU, makes you any less of one or more of one. What you post does. For sure we could all be wrong, and you are who you say you are. And I guess there is a possibility you might be right about coach O in some ways. But I highly doubt it.

    When you start acting like a fan of LSU, then we will treat you like one. But I and most think you are just a standard troll, here to sow negative vibes and discord in our fold.
    shane0911 likes this.
  6. unclenick

    unclenick LSU & USMC

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Were I graduated & where I work. I get attacked everytime I sign on. Taint/Tap whatever. You want to talk about boring & retreading issues? Some here should start with the man in the mirror.

    I've been working in the AD department since 2001. I can tell which were/are great coaches. Who's organized & who's not, etc.
  7. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Literally the first thing I did was defend you my man. And at this point I don't believe you. I would expect a more neutral tone from someone that worked in the AD department since 2001. Unless you are a disgruntled employee of some sort, then it all fits I guess.

    All I can say is prove it, and be less negative and one sided. But I would just create a new account and start over and not bring up your employment as some sort of thing we would ever care about to give your comments weight. I think this account you got has been tainted up to much by now. But that's just my honest opinion if you truly want to be a part of our forum and not be hounded. Our collective hatred of taint and your seeming to be his exact doppelganger in posting will be a hard road to travel. Maybe its not fair on our part, I will give you that. But the internet has never been known to be fair.
  8. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    The man in my mirror likes and appreciates the person responsible for giving us possibly the greatest team ever in college football, at least for 2019. I want to send him a thank you gift basket. Which Bzos members would that be? Or should I just send it to Oeaux?

    For somebody who says he works in the athletic department you are clueless about how things work. The coaching fraternity is very close knit. Almost everybody has some connection to everybody else. Even if 2 coaches have never worked together they attend conference meeting, coaching clinics, etc.
    Somewhere along the line Oeaux and Bo have some connection even if they don't play golf and eat crawfish together. I'm sure he talked to other coaches and former players who do know Bo. Same with Lineham.

    Even you can't believe that some BOS member found Joe Brady, recognized his hidden talents and made Oeaux hire him. If you do believe it I've got some great investments I'd like to show you.
  9. unclenick

    unclenick LSU & USMC

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Then your mirror man should send your gift to Joe Brady. You're "Coaching frat" theory is monkey balls. Pelini could be had easily, because he was making $200,000 at Youngstown State. And Linehan was unemployed. I guess we can tgank O for keeping the unemployment rate from rising. :thumbsup:

    Coaching conferenes? Really?` A place to swing clubs, pickup whores & drink like fish, once the uh "Press" leave them alone. Yes, you should get a pass to go.
  10. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    basking is a state of mind.... one must be capable of enjoying in order to do so...

    work on that and you'll feel better
    fanatic and el005639 like this.

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