Say what you want but Les Miles is a good coach, man and recruiter

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by WestCoastTiger, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    (sigh)....why, oh why, oh why do we have to endure another thread of this topic? Everyone please try to understand. Nick Saban left LSU because he wanted to. No one ran him off. No one said, "hey, Les Miles is available, please show Nick Saban the door." He chased his dream to the NFL. He failed. Our biggest rival opened the bank vault for him, and he returned to college ball. He didn't do it to stick it to LSU. He's the same "arrogant little dictator" he was when he was here, and no one had a problem with it back then.

    I've never met either man, but everything I see in the media indicates Miles is indeed a better man. Saban is a better coach. But Miles is our coach. He will do the best job he can in 2013, and it may or it may not be enough to beat Nick Saban.

    Let it go.
    ParadiseiNC, kluke, Winston1 and 4 others like this.
  2. Attack Tiger

    Attack Tiger Reformed Sunshine Pumper

    Jul 17, 2008
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    If Les is so far removed from the Sabanator, why did we beat him in his house last year and take them to the brink this year? IF Miles is truly "no where near" the coach that Saban is, then how do you explain this? It's not talent, as 'Bama tops LSU just about every year on signing day. So what is it?

    You don't think 'Bama's easier schedule and immediate media deferral has anything to do with the discrepancy in the number of titles each coach has under his belt?

    I say that if LSU and 'Bama were to switch coaches, the results would be the same.
    gyver likes this.
  3. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I like Miles I do, but you cannot put Miles on the same planet with Saban.

    Not a single coach can touch Saban. It is evident now.
  4. Attack Tiger

    Attack Tiger Reformed Sunshine Pumper

    Jul 17, 2008
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    What's evident? Yeah, Bama beat a severely overmatched and outclassed ND team that got in on brand value and sheer luck. Last year, they got a do-over with a team that beat them in front of their own fans. Do you think any team could beat a team of Bama's caliber twice in a season? They had a grudge, and we had a big head. That's two of his titles that were gift-wrapped for him, simply because of who he is.

    BTW, you didn't bother to acknowledge the easier schedule, the way the media and coaches bow to the Gump Gods, and the head-to-head results between Miles and Saban. Miles brings it to that bridge troll consistently, despite his personnel struggles and the fact that Bama brings in better talent every year. How can it be said that he's not "on the same planet", when it's clear he's at least in the ballpark.

    I give Saban the edge in discipline, but that's about it. Granted, that can be the difference in winning and losing in the SEC, but Miles is AT LEAST a close second in the SEC when it comes to consistently getting that W.
    KyleK, StaceyO and Atreus21 like this.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I don't know . . . 80+% winning records, top-10 recruiting, and multiple BCS game appearances put Les, Bob, and Urban fairly close to Nick as far as coaching accomplishments in Division I.
    kluke, KyleK, Atreus21 and 1 other person like this.
  6. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    It's really not up for debate. I mean you can say gift wrapped, but the fact is Bama beat the shit out of us last year and did the same to ND.

    Saban has facts on his side now.

    To Miles being 2nd, debatable but he is right there IMO. He has some awful habits that does lose games.
  7. Attack Tiger

    Attack Tiger Reformed Sunshine Pumper

    Jul 17, 2008
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    All I'm saying is that Miles is not THAT far behind the Nicktator. If he and his team were given the breaks and benifits of the doubt that Nick and Bama got, I believe things would be the other way around.

    Remember, Saban isn't beyond losing games. His teams have lost to Troy, ULM, Utah, and others that should have not stood a chance. He's had a great streak lately with this quarterback and his recent run of stellar running backs, which has really jump-started his legend. I liken it to Petey Carrol with Leinart and Bush. Make no mistake, McCarron and the RB's are just as responsible for the last two years as Saban is. Miles, on the other hand, has gone all lemons with QBs since the Perrilloux fiasco, and yet still manages to compete with the almighty Saban and his world-killers. If we're talking strictly about coaching, that's got to count for something.
    gynojunkie, StaceyO and Atreus21 like this.
  8. Atreus21

    Atreus21 Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Damn straight. People tend to forget that we beat the unbeatable Tide last season at their own stadium. Now suddenly Saban is invincible?
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Nick loses 17% of his games.

    And when he fell off his dock in Georgia he almost drowned. He does not walk on water.
    StaceyO likes this.
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I am not saying he is unbeatable.

    I am saying that his ability to coach is above Miles. Its clear. It is evident. It will not change.

    Sure, Miles WILL beat Saban from time to time like he does now, still doesn't make Miles another Saban..

    Again, I LIKE Miles, but Saban is the greatest coach of our time. Period. And I hate his bitchass.

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