Sam shouldn't have been so fat and so lazy. He'd still be in the NFL. He got dismissed for allegedly blazing a blunt in their hotel room. The reason this was enough to get cut is because he showed up to camp as a rookie out of shape and with an apathetic attitude unwilling to work hard in camp. Way to go Tiger.
Some guys are treated as gods from the time they are old enough to pick up a ball because they are gifted with talent. Some let it go to their heads, and some appreciate the fact that they have a gift and make the most of themselves. Unfortunately, they don't all make the best choices and some either drop by the wayside, or take the long way back to the field. Let's hope Sam can reflect on this, make some changes for the better, and catch on with another NFL team for a fresh start.
Miles isn't much of a disciplinarian, so why would anyone be surprised that one of his former players doesn't follow the rules in the NFL?
I had no idea Sam was/got lazy. Disappointing for sure. I was shocked when I found out our badass Michael Clayton did the same after almost winning ROY years ago. Year 2 he had already gotten lazy and content. He was still a badass here.
You don't know anything about any of the players, you don't know about the many players that miles has dismissed, including a starting quarterback and a Heisman trophy finalist. You just rag on the coach in post after post.