Trial by fire. Winning games like this is a great sign for the Saints to go all the way. SaintslogoSaintslogoSaintslogoSaintslogoSaintslogoSaintslogoSaintslogoSaintslogo
Incredible to play THAT poorly and to find a way to win. Although they did get help from a Brees INT turned into a TD, a missed chip-shot FG, and a fumble an inch off the ground.
I gave up. I thought "Run over. Won't win another game" . But that's conditioning. Maybe this team won't lose, as in won't allow itself to lose. Remarkable win.
The great thing about the NFL is that no college crew would overturn that call on the field, regardless of its correctness.
Man it's hard to listen to a game on the opposing team's radio station!! FWIW...according to the Skins announcer's, that was Laron Landry's best game of his professional carrer.
And on the 4th quarter Breesus did rise from the sideline and he did gather his team on the 13th yardline and sayth to them.."I will lead you to the endzone if only thou believe in me".....and believe they did!!!! BLESS YOU BOYS!!!!!!!!
Any long time Saints fan can tell you...these kinds of games are nothing new!! The only difference is unlike the Saints of old...this team WINS these games!!!