Hopefully fans complaining and not showing up will force a change. I can't see this going on for very long. If I am wrong I can live without CFB
I'm not far behind you. I can't tell you the last time I've watched a NBA, MLB or NFL game. We've all heard it said that money is the root of all evil and now we get to sit on the sidelines again and watch another sport implode because of man's thirst for money!
Not just money for me. Big part of it for me is their disrespect for the very country that gives them the freedom to use their God given skills to make more money than they can spend. Fans show up, spend 4 hrs supporting them, spend their money on them and these guys can't stand for 1 minute for the Anthem. Colin Kaepernick and LeBron James are worthless human being but held up as someone to look up to.
The root problem is that a “team” sport is turning, almost instantaneously, into a group of individuals looking out for themselves. Part of the attraction of football is that it had kind of remained a team effort. If the right guard does not pull, the running back is probably not going to do much. To have real success, all 11 had to work together and do their jobs. Call that a team effort. The NBA is a pretty good model of where college football is rapidly heading.. Unfortunately.
Texas certainly can put up as much and more money as anyone. Question is can they keep the supporters from meddling and find its ass with both hands?
The issue is since the boosters put up all of that money they think they can call the shots and that makes it tougher on Dumbo. I stand by my statement, they won't win shit