I think it's Saban's way to try and defuse the situation. I don't think he really believes Les has won more games than he would have for one second. He wouldn't be worth his salt if he did.
So he inteded to lie, but inadvertently told the truth... I'll bet he's mad at himself for that one! (and no, I'm not really being fair...just having some fun)
Me too. I've always wanted to watch a game with someone that really knows the game and see what they react to. I think that would be a great prize for a fund raising contest. You get to sit in with the coaches and watch them break down film.
That's how I know football. My dad was a coach for over 30 years, and I used to love to watch him break down film. I remember back when he would set one of those huge projectors up in the dining room (for the whole season) and watch that film over and over. It is fun to watch a game with him because he figures out quickly what problems exist.
I think he's sick of the hoopla over it and is ready to move forward. He is also smart enough to recognize there is no way anyone can know if he would have or wouldn't have won more games with any kind of accuracy. It would be ALL speculation with no credible basis what so ever. So the best thing is to take the high road, praise your competitor and get back to business. It is an OLD OLD coaching technique.