Speaking for myself, most of my anti-Saban animosity went out the window after came from behind to break their hearts in T-town. A little more left after the SECCG and the remainder after the MNC game. Although the game will always mean a little more when he's coaching them, since we now have another NC since he left, who cares. Now if the unthinkable happens and they win, then it's game on.
I agree.... Hopefully the new NC cures alot. I hope our fans show the classy side of being a Tiger fan!!! CNS and the Bama team are Tiger Bait.... and if you don't like CNS, is it worth going to jail for? I'll just lose my voice. :geauxtige:geauxtige :geauxtige:geauxtige
It could explain the increased number of stray cats I'm seeing on the property. Just some of the small sacrifices I endure to support my Tigers. :thumb:
Could that be what the rig in your avitar is for? Hauling those amonia bombs to TS? Hate to be the state trooper that swings those doors open.
Whipping the flames a little early, aren't you? If Bamafans spend all summer anticipating some kind of trouble that doesn't yet exist then they are going to start making the "Tigerbait" chant out to be a threat. You're not gonna cry, are ya'? :wink: There ain't going to be a disaster and the LSU game day crowd control is better than most stadiums. Why are you trying to make an issue of what seems like a paranoid fear to me? Look, we are the defending National Champions and we don't have a damn thing to prove. People were annoyed at Nick going to a school where he would have to play us every year, they are not annoyed with Bama fans and that was last year anyway and it's done. Our coach has a better record than our last coach and we're sitting on the friggin' high road here. It's Nick that has something to prove, not LSU fans. He's going to get the big BOOO to remind him he was foolish to leave here, then it's going to be a ball game. It's going to be a big, exciting game. Expect that and enjoy yourself, for Heaven's sake. Has that happened here? No. Geez, Buzzard, there are 92,000+ people in Tiger Stadium during a game. Drunks and beligerents are hauled out by the dozen in every game we play versus anyone and it is the same way in any big crowd. Ever been to Mardi Gras? And it was at a municipal stadium in Shreveport that see's a big crowd once a year. Louisiana State University is a completely different thing. We see big crowds all of the time. And trust me . . . we've played a lot bigger games than this one against fanbases we really dislike (Auburn and Tulane). Remember that, amigo. An big established crowd comes to LSU home games, tailgates, and represents the university. The Independence Bowl is a crowd of locals there to party during the holidays. Shreveport may be in the state of Louisiana, but culturally, it's Baja Arkansas. It definitely ain't Baton Rouge. People who come here looking for a good time, some good food, an exciting atmosphere, and a great game usually find it. Those that come looking for trouble usually find it too. Please . . . come looking for a good time. And bring some ribs if you're going to stand there drinking our beer and eating Jambalaya. :grin:
red, that was exactly what i was talking about when i referred to thin-skinned ou fans. all the time i get ou fans here telling me how terrible it was at the sugar bowl. the lsu fans were awful. why, those poor ou fans were lucky to get out alive. i press and press for specifics with people that were actually there. you know what i finally get for a specific example? they were tiger baited!! seriously!! the ou fans could not take a freakin chant and blow it up to being scandalous behavior. except for one. my fedex express driver when he brought me some fb tix i ordered last year started talking about his experience at the sugar bowl. he said the lsu folks were the nicest he ever encountered. great food and drink, that he and his group wanted for nothing. i asked him if he got tiger baited. he just laughed. he said yes, and that when they laughed it off what they got was "yall come have a beer". he also said that the ou fans he saw that got their panties wadded over being tiger baited just got it louder. :hihi: i expect it will be much the same with bama fans. if they come in with a chip on their shoulder, they are gonna be made miserable, most of it being in their perception of the treatment. if they come in looking for a good natured rivalry, that is what they will get.
Buzzard, you have beat to getting Red riled up today! I did it yesterday and today was your day I guess! I am psyched I am out of hot water now!
Exaggerate much? No one died or lost limbs? Are you kidding me?? OMG! Are you kidding me? TWO people got escorted out? Why didn't the governor call up the national guard to protect you guys? I am ashamed. That's funny, nothing seemed to make the papers. I was also there all day(and night) at both the Budweiser and Miller Tailgates and didn't see a single altercation there or anywhere near there. I know there couldn't have been more than 10,000 people rolling through these two tailgates so it probably doesn't represent the crowd very well. Your buddy might want to change his tampon. I partied the entire time with LSU and bama fans and never had anyone come at my throat. Perhaps I just have the aura of a holy man... I'm trying to figure out why you think there is a place for this rant here? No, it sounds like paranoia. As Okie pointed out, if you think being "Tigerbaited" is being abused and hostile, than you might not belong in the SEC. Perhaps you should just come to town and enjoy yourself. Everybody else in the country acknowledges our gameday as a phenomenal party. I would embrace it and not worry so much. No doubt there are more important things to occupy your time.