Guys, marijuana use is nothing to joke about. I've lost many friends to marijuana... I will pray that he can, somehow, kick his addiction to marijuana and I just hope that he doesn't kill someone first by using marijuana and driving.
i agree ... and disagree .... I agree ... we shouldn't be filling jails wiht peaceful folks. Slap on the wrists, pay a fine, .... get over it. I disagree ... "we are ruining young men's lives". It is WE that give them that life. I mean .. really, the "glitz" of being a pro athlete is the direct result of our stupidity in that we "Fund" their lavish salaries [I say we ... I mean ya'll .. I woudn't pay a dime to see a pro athlete]. All the while, our young men and women in uniform make pennies. What I'm sayin' .. is since it is WE who afford them their bright and shiny future, complete with drugs, whores, cars, lavish vacations, etc etc etc ..... we can at least demand to have an opinion about the "bar" that it is set with regards to acceptable behavior. You are free to do drugs ... just don't expect society to reward you for it by making you a millionaire. Become the millionaire first .. .then do your drugs, and we can't say a thing about it. When I was growing up, the athletes even had hair codes ...nothing below the colar, or ear hole .. and the blacks kids fros couldn't be more than 1 inch. This "dread lock" B.S. wouldn't have been tolerated at all. I mean, dread locks ... long hair, ... the glorification of drug culture. Sends a great message to our kids ... don't you think?
I believe that question ^^ is WHY we havent seen this in the "National Spotlight" as quickly as it was with LSU
Red got a point here ... We usually don't agree on the color of shight, but we all know Alabama has WINDOW DRESSING for compliance ... they had an ad for the position of NCAA compliance officer in a while back Likely, Saban is ruling this with an iron fist and controlling the tests! Here's how he likely does it! Controls WHO and WHEN will be tested ... It's easy cooking when the University does the screening. He likley gets on THAT AZZ when he sees OVERT SIGNS of use ... But HOW does he beat the ncaa mandated tests ... Are these controlled by the University also? If yes, then he picks the clean guys to get tested That simple! Edit ... Also ... he could dedicate one of his minions to handle this to have "plausible deniability" FACT: This arrest shows that players KNOW they will not be tested and busted / suspended ... Think about that!
I'm gonna take a stab at answering by saying that it doesn't involve some of the highest-profile players on the #1 team in the country. If it were Trent Richardson, it *would* be headline news on ESPN. Comparing Matheiu and Ware to this guy isn't comparing apples to apples, in my opinion.