S.F. considers banning sale of pets except fish Japanese told to go to bed an hour early to cut carbon emissions - Telegraph This is what liberalism does for you. They want to tell you how to live in every aspect of your life because you aren't smart enough to do that for yourself. They can't tell you that so they some will do it for other reasons like saving the planet, etc. This all started with cigarettes and guns, what a slippery slope we are on. Examples: Energy Regulators in your house to control thermostats. Higher energy costs to control your usage. Soon you won't be able to sell your house unless a government official says it is ok according to Cap and tax. Banning guns so that the law abiding citizen can't protect themselves. Banning foods so that you can't choose foods for yourself because they know what is better for you. Banning light bulbs so that we have to buy more expensive bulbs. Now banning pets? What is next? Senator Dingle said himself it is to control the people. Your government no longer works for you, you are a slave to the government. How long do you think it will take before we are told to go to bed early to reduce carbon? Don't believe it, all of these things start out as voluntary and over time lead to consequences or laws or both. Examples are the thermostat regulators, last year they advertised these regulators now if you don't use them you will pay the price with higher summer rates. Just remember your government doesn't have to live by the same standard or rules that you have too! Its all in the name of science fiction, a hoax! Isn't it interesting the only right to choose the left accepts is the right to have an abortion or to die?
This is small chit. Let's talk about the Patriot Act. Talk about the biggest assault on our liberties to date.
No problem include that if you wish. I was for that for a short time after 9/11 because we didn't know what we were up against at the time. I believe it was a temporary measure that needed to be in place for a short time to insure the safety of the American people.
as far as i am concerned, the far right is f'ed up, and the far left is f'ed up. the middle is being completely ignored because whoever is in office panders to their party base. what pisses me off is also all the finger pointing and running around screaming "liberal" or "conservative" without acknowledging both sides are guilty of cramming extremes down our throats. this kind of shyt is what i hope will drive more and more people to independent and to form a third, moderate, party.
thats what i was about to say. controlling people isnt just a characteristic of the far left, the far right loves it too. but sdman shouldnt get all worked up about proposed controls or gov suggestions. those are meaningless.
I heard they actually passed this today? Or are they still in a "considering" phase? Also it's only the sale of pets and not ownership from what I understand...which is kind of pointless if you can just go somewhere outside the city limits to buy one and bring it back into the city limits.
I would like to understand this better. What would you call the far right for example would you call the founders of the constitution far right? Personally I think the founders of the country, Constitution and the Declaration of Independence would be astonished if they came here today. I know I am more right then center but I fail to see what I consider threats from the right compared to the left. The left has the media, unions and schools to brainwash young kids. The left has far more threats to this country and its Constitution as far as I can tell, global warming, etc. Will anyone acknowledge that the left didn't like it and accused the right of trying to interfere with their lives over abortion but they are doing the same thing with their agendas these days. So please educate me.!
Most of this is hogwash. These are voluntary programs being offered by utility companies. There isn't a government bugga man behind every proposal. I opted into one of these programs, have not noticed the difference in my usage, but get a 12 dollar credit on my bill every month. It also reduces the bill by about 20%. This is false. I shot this down in the thread you started on the topic months ago. Who wants to do this? I don't know what you are referring too exactly, but those "more expensive bulbs" are a lot cheaper. Hundreds of dollars cheaper. This is alarmist hysterical nonsense. There is exactly a 100% chance this will never happen.
the far right that bases most of their proposed legislation based on religious belief. things that have been proposed at state levels in some states, including oklahoma. teaching creationism as science and completely excluding evolution in the curriculum. outlawing all abortion including when the woman's life is in danger. to not make exceptions on saving a woman's life because of religious beliefs is beyond me. if that is the belief for you, or your loved one, that is your right. but please dont ask other women to give their lives for your religious belief. teaching abstinence only in schools and outlawing at least telling teenagers there is a way to keep from becoming pregnant and contracting sexually transmitted diseases. it is ok to teach teenagers that abstinence is the only sure way to prevent either one, but dont keep medical facts from them than can keep them from becoming pregnant or catching std's. give them all of the information, not just part of it. those are just off the top of my head and all things the far right has proposed here in oklahoma at one time or another. and things the republican party in oklahoma has at one time or another included in their official party platform.