S Craig Loston

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by islstl, Mar 6, 2008.


    GEAUX TIGERS Founding Member

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Re: Craig Loston

  2. titoabad1

    titoabad1 Contributing Member

    Oct 11, 2004
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    Re: Craig Loston

  3. Bozo_bus

    Bozo_bus Freshman

    Jul 22, 2008
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    Re: Craig Loston

    It grieves me to dash your hopes, though you are right about my not holding my breath, Shane. The laughter is directed at that huge segment of the Trojan Nation that is in abject denial. First they flooded boards nation-wide with the silly assertion that Bush did nothing wrong..."who's gonna believe EX CON sports agent/marketer Lake?" and "it's just extortion," "you guys are just "jealous" cuz we beat you," etc. Then when the mountain of evidence topped Everest, the Trojan talking points shifted to "everybody does it," continued the envy angle, and pointed to slap-on-the-wrist penalties on Michigan and the latest Oklahoma infractions. They expressed a willingness to throw Reggie under the bus IF he did anything wrong :)lol:), saying he might/should lose the Heisman, but USC knew nothing, is guilty of nothing, and should suffer no penalties.

    Of course they totally ignore the other EX CON sports agent/marketer implicated in this, the USC-certified booster Ornstein, for whom RB worked while at USC and with whom he signed ultimately (in lieu of Lake) and who is documented to have paid Bush family travel expenses. Other payments are alleged. They think it is too much to ask of USC compliance officers or staff to go out to their own parking lot to see RB's new pimped-out ride, or to know RB lived in a swanky LA condo paid for by Lake. "Who knew?" :)rofl:)

    Then the Mayo case blew up. What did Heritage Hall say about that? "Who knew?!" Except that same overused defense has zero credibility. CBS Sportsline published this warning http://www.sportsline.com/columns/story/9735022 to USC before they signed Mayo. It names Guillory (who had gotten a prior Trojan in trouble with the NCAA, and who was in Heritage Hall when Mayo faxed his LOI) and the MO he was using! It foretold EVERYTHING we now know transpired subsequently. "Who knew?" Ummm...EVERYBODY except the compliance office? :rofl:

    My laughter is aimed at that huge segment of the Trojan Nation that denies Heritage Hall is corrupt to the core. They are the ones holding their breath while the "investigation" lingers interminably. They love bragging and claiming undeserved/unearned National Championships too much to admit their athletic department is dirty, deserves severe sanctions. One Trojan poster bragged recently that USC would skate because Trojans are better cheaters! Those arrogant media darlings may skate in Clintonesque style, but that does not stop public declarations that that emperor is buck nekkid. It does not stop the non-Trojan world from knowing them as the disgraced No-peat Champs. Was there ever a more deserving fan base for such mockery? Then justice will be served no matter what the NCAA does. It reminds me of OJ Simpson, the reigning Trojan skater-deluxe. The system failed to penalize the guilty consistent with the facts. But the marginalized OJ deniers are the objects of ridicule. He is known for what he is, a murderer. The NCAA failing to act consistent with the facts does not stop the sports world from knowing USC as the Unsanctioned Serial Cheaters. It does not stop me from laughing at them. No need to hold my breath to do that.
  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Re: Craig Loston

    A few things, I agree for the most part. Yes they are dirty and for anyone to believe that good ol Cheat Carrol didn't know what was going on is living under a rock. They have recipts with bushs name all over them, hell they had he and a recent high profile recruit from Louisiana, can't remember what his name was, saying that they called reggie on the phone. They admitted that on TV, still.... crickets.... . So that was the reason for my "don't hold your breath".

    As for OJ, I was going to say something here but thats another thread.
  5. geauxtigs

    geauxtigs Tigers Forever

    Nov 28, 2007
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    Re: Craig Loston

    :geaux::crystal::helmet: Don't guess you and Reggie Bush or Pete Carrol will be exchanging Christmas Cards this year!! :lol::rofl::hihi:

  6. P&G_wheelz007

    P&G_wheelz007 Football anyone?

    Nov 20, 2007
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    Re: Craig Loston

    Did he come yesterday for a visit? I read somewhere that he did.... maybe he and his family.

    Does anyone know how it went?

  7. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    Re: Craig Loston

    Good info. Thanks much.
  8. tiger701

    tiger701 Freshman

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Re: Craig Loston

    he was at Texas A&M...
  9. Lprimo

    Lprimo Pimpin Aint Easy

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Re: Craig Loston

    I think what's happening, is he's realizing that his family wont get to see him play at Clemson. So he finally thinking things out in more realistic terms. I love our chances against A&M. He's getting the feel for a more family atmosphere in a "Close to Home" program. Now with RS in his ear, and the whole family behind him. It's hard not to want LSU. For 1, he'll get more national TV exposer, better chance at a NC, his whole family, cousin's and all, will get to see him and RS play.
  10. csycompanies

    csycompanies Young's Web Designs

    Aug 17, 2007
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    Re: Craig Loston

    Any new news on Loston??

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