If that sign is true, it's interesting that the only name on the list is not RP, but Byrd. Byrd ain't the most responsible human on the planet. Hell, he couldn't even assume the responsibility in high school to get the basic grades necessary to get into a university (which is why he had to go to a community college). Not even RP was that bad. From USAToday:
Tigerdroppings.com has a thread on this same sign, which they say is on the door of LSU's strength coach. Posters on that thread allege: http://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/MessageTopic.asp?p=7835518&Pg=1
SCREW THE SIGN - BYRD CAUGHT THE GAME WINNING TD AGAINST AUBURN...LOOK WHERE THE THREAD STARTER'S ALLEGIANCE LIES. Here's an idea...go to Auburn and see if you can get a photograph of one of these :crystal:. Until then...PEACE OUT.
I don't know about this. I see nothing in the picture that would prove beyond a doubt that it is real and could have EASILY been manufactured by anyone. Looks like a pretty shabby office to me. I'm sure our coaches have bigger desk than that? I'd call it suspect to say the least. Nothing on the walls, no nameplate on the desk. I'm not getting worked up about it.
I do not know why anyone would get worked up about this. This just shows one of the many tactics Les uses to get team goals into the players heads. It is exactly something I would expect out of Les and it is honest. He can dicispline them for any action with this without having to make statements to the public to get his point across to the athletes. Scouts would get a sense of reassurance that these kids are getting the kind of message all young athletes need these days. Plus it is beneficial to know only one player is on the list.
I don't need you to tell me who is who. I am stirring the pot, and having fun. Leave me alone...and you RELAX. K bud???? I have waited too long to rib an Auburn fan...and I have to get past you french kissin one to do it?? :lol: Furthermore, I have never had any decent banter with you anyway, so your opinion of who is classy or not really doesn't go far with me...just to be honest. Have a great day! :thumb: NOW....To Deceks7, I am only ribbing you...and trying to get a rise out of you, since OBVIOUSLY it has gotten a rise out of me no matter how much I try act like it hasn't.:wink: Ya gotta admit...me pointing out that you are an Auburn fan, and how you should have OBVIOUS reasons to want to slander Byrd was a good subplot though...but I was just being hard on ya...no harm intended. :thumb: