I love your avatar of the baseball player holding up "we're number 2". He is correct. Mack probably made another deal with Ryan like Chris Simms. That worked well for you. Had you left the Louisiana boy in, you might have won something.
I am for one glad he committed early instead of stringing us along. I think nick will still stay on his ass but will also start to look elsewhere. RP wants to be a star. I might see this as a pub. stunt to get him a lot of press if he decommits to go elsewhere. He is still going to take visits and there is a long way to go till Feb.
I wish him the best, he is a good player and he will do well, Probably as long as UT has Mack Brown as their coach. OU will rejoice. Anyway, I wish him all the best...
I'll take the comments about Mack because he's not a good coach and we are Oklahoma's bitch in football. But, this just doesn't make sense... You're making fun of Texas finishing second? Didn't LSU go 2 and que?
OK, so the next thing on the agenda: Who are the top Jr. QB prospects in the nation? Because it seems to me that this position now needs to be of the highest priority in the 2006 recruiting class.
Maybe so, but we've at least got that football bling-bling to back up our smack. You don't. Thanks for playing, though.
No I do not think he is and no I do not think he's gotten all that he can out of him. I'll admit that. BUT...It would be very hard for Mack to screw this situation up. When RP comes in for his sophomore season with a year of trash time under his belt, Vince Young will be gone. This isn't another Major Applewhite/Chris Simms situation where they have two full years of QB controversy. There won't be any years, unless RP decides to not redshirt. Then there's a problem. But I would definitely be willing to bet that he redshirts.
That is what you horns don't get. If you ain't number one, it don't really matter. Mack now just has another card to play for you idiots to keep him around. So when OU whips your ass some more over the next 4 years, you won't get rid of him because he is such a great recruiter. This will just delay your pain.
Oh, I don't know...don't underestimate him. I have the utmost faith that if anybody can screw up a good thing, it's Mack Brown. To quote Joe Pesci from "Casino": "This guy could f*** up a cup of coffee."
Well lets not call Horn fans idiots. Lets keep this civil, the kid wanted to go to UT, so what. He is just one player, remember vincent young was the best QB in the history and he is good but lets face it, Mack loves playing 2 QB's. Good luck to him, I hope he does very well at UT. Hey UT has great facilities, its hard for kids to not go there. The only problem is UT will always be 2nd tier to OU, and most of the SEC. Sure they beat our backup QB in the cotton bowl, but LSU bounced back very nicely as (Hence the National Title) and OU was a Roy Williams and a piss poor Texas Tech defense away from the Culligan water bowl.. Wait they got hammered in that game. Oh well, again, I wish him the best. UT is a good school, with great tradition. We cannot get every top player. Dont worry Saban will pull in yet another top 5 class. So will Mack the only difference.... Saban will actually win championships with those classes, Mack will continue to get blown out by OU.