Not sure how anyone can have a problem with it. He went to a camp that most people here didn't even know he was going to. The link was not for the story but for the pictures of the camp. It is like linking a Rivals profile but then not being able to read the updates on him. Instead of complaining and being ungrateful go to google and search the camp.
Had an LSU fan posted the link and not realized it was premium information at the time they did would this even be an issue? I doubt it. C'mon guys, lighten up.
Cali product who started a few QB training programs over the years and has worked with many QBs like Rothlisberger, Leinart, etc... He and Joe Montana worked with RS at the camp and were impressed with his throwing ability. Montana's son is also trained by Coach Clarkson. Jerry Rice also worked with the WRs at the camp. Shepard is on a mission to prove to himself and everyone he is a QB and not just an athlete at the QB position. And he is doing it the right way with detailed coaching and the attitude that he knows he has to work hard to be the QB he can be. Next year his HS team will throw the ball more than years past and we will get to see him continue to develop in at least 2 of his games on national TV.
lol...i come to the recruiting board, click on a thread about RS at a QB camp, and find a discussion on copyright law.:huh: