If you could run both, say a hybrid of the spread and wishbone, with some standard formations thrown in that would be pretty cool.
Yeah, but that offense, like Oregon is nothing without a Dixon or a Tebow. This one, would have 5 legitimate threats to contend with. Miles admitted they could not even figure out how to stop 2! (McFadden and Jones)
True, but that team is very young... and this is the first season Urban is installing his actual spread option from Utah as Chris Leak couldn't run well. Just imagine if Tebow had lets say... charles scott... then they have percy harvin who could play slot... thats deadly... Watch out if Florida finds a tough back... they'll be even more deadly. Think Nebraska 90's... Tommie Frazier but with a cannon and much more speed around him.
Yea, but he said TOUGH. :rofl: Seriously, one of the main reasons EM transfered was because in his own words he "became invisible" while recovering from several injuries.
Well, he sure was "Tough" when he was at USC. :lol: Actually, I have to say that I was impressed with the overall fan support he got, and how many wished him well, when he did leave.