Rumored south upper expansion sometime between 2012 and 2025??!!

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by bigbowe80, Dec 19, 2006.

  1. MickelMouse87

    MickelMouse87 Founding Member

    Sep 16, 2006
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    I took a TAF Stadium tour in early November, and we were told that the next expansion would be connecting the stadium club and the suites through the south endzone. The reasoning is that there is a tremendous demand for these, and they draw the most revenue.

    We will also be getting new scoreboards in the near future with larger video screens, and the band will be moving to the center of the north endzone.
  2. JayB

    JayB Never Forget 31

    Jan 18, 2005
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    I doubt that venerable TS could even support any more additions. The time has maybe come when LSU should start thinking about a replacement--especially if they're looking 15 years down the road anyway.
  3. macatak911

    macatak911 CRAIG STELTZ = BEAST

    Jul 19, 2003
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    any word if the scoreboard will be as big as this one in some country to the west?


  4. 2arms2legsTIGER

    2arms2legsTIGER Founding Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    i'd like to see it... hopefully if it does ever happen the exterior is made to resemble the North End. Logistics aside, I hope they never put a deck over the North, it's perfect the way it is now.

    just from looking at those pics it would suck so bad to have to watch from the upper corners. I guess being there is still always better than TV but not everyone would be down for that. You'd need those foot long binoculars. They could install those observation deck viewers in front of every seat up there and fans would have to pop quarters in them all day long.
  5. 2arms2legsTIGER

    2arms2legsTIGER Founding Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    what do you think the capacity would become? I would love to force Michigan into another stadium expansion project. I forget who it was but some school began some plans to expand that would have just put them over Michigan and Michigan altered their stadium renovation because of it and decided to slightly increase seats. They have some kind of inferiority complex that drives them.
  6. Berge

    Berge Founding Member

    Aug 8, 2004
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    Possible, yes. Likely? Not soon. The last time they moved the seats for the band, the directors refused unless all the students in the band were given something to effect of full tuition waivers (before TOPS). I believe they are fighting this second move with all of their might.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I don't think that end zone upper decks will ever happen. South Stadium Drive, an importrant campus thouroughfare, would have to be closed. A North End Zone upper deck would also close a street and seriously impinge on the PMAC. The tendency among schools with big stadiums (90,000+) is to add more high-surcharge premium sideline seats rather than add more capacity. This is why LSU replaced the entire west upper deck but only adding 700 seats.

    More importantly, LSU is not really interested in further expansion. There have been empty seats in the upper decks for many games, even in 2003. There will likely never be enough demand for endzone seats and it would just never pay for itself and nobody wants to see vast areas of empty seats. The students don't even fill the section they have now.

    The problem is that the lower bowl at LSU is huge! Those upper deck endzone seats are just too far from the field, people won't pay for that poor a view, not with so many TV games. The higher parts of the present sideline upper decks are very poor seats that people avoid if they can. Joe Dean did an estimate on end zone upper decks once and found that it would be far cheaper to go over to river road and build a shiny new 100,000-seat Tiger stadium.

    Complicating the situation is that the original sections of the stadium are over 80 years old, have dark and narrow ramp areas, and have some real structural issues that will eventually require their replacement. The entire lower bowl will have to be replaced before any further expansion can be considered. People paying those $400 sideline surcharges are demanding a better environment than the small, poorly lit ramp, restroom, and concession areas they are barely tolerating right now.

    There are no LSU plans to expand Tiger Stadium any further and I don't think they will ever happen.
  8. MickelMouse87

    MickelMouse87 Founding Member

    Sep 16, 2006
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    Wasn't given an exact size, but Broussard they want one big enough to compete with the other screens around the country. I'm thinking it'll be very big.

    The reason I was given for the band is that they think that parts of Tiger Stadium that can't hear the band well now (SW, W, etc), could hear them from the endzone..
  9. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    It's true, I've sat in those sections and it's very hard to hear the band.
  10. Thorny

    Thorny Founding Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Due to their position in the stadium, it is very difficult to hear the band in the west upper deck and in the southwest corner. It is also very difficult to hear them on TV, because the on field microphones point away from them.

    That said, I liked being in the middle of the student section and loved the seats. Before I started in Tiger Band, they were even better--on the 40! Most schools are moving their bands to low end-zone seats that are very bad for watching the game. Florida's band used to be high on the 50 behind the visitors. Now it's behind the goaposts.

    Tiger Band leads cheers for the team better than any band in the country. The drum major needs to be able to call for the 1st down "GEAUX TIGERS" cheer quickly, sometimes before the referees signal it--that way they can start the cheer in rhythm with the drum cheers that are already going on. They have a much harder time when they are on the road and have seats where they cannot see what a play has gained. (For the 87 Sugar Bowl against Nebraska, we couldn't even see the field--we essentially watched the game on the brand new DiamondVision.)

    The current seats allow the band to get on and off the field quicker than most. (Most people would think having the band on the ground level would be quicker, but the band uses 2 aisles to get out of their seats. When the bands are on the ground level, they usually are only given 1 aisle to work with and spent most of the second quarter getting out of the stands. We almost always left with 5 minutes left and were on the field waiting for the half to end.)

    Hopefully, if they move the band, they will come up with a good solution. I agree with Red, though, eventually LSU will need to build a new stadium. If we are smart, we will still have a lot of seats in the lower bowl--it really holds in the noise. The same crowd would not be as loud if all of the seats were on the sidelines.


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