Etienne isn't a guarantee first round pick, certainly not guaranteed top 5.. that's tens of millions of dollars difference. Etienne maybe goes first if he comes out but didn't a lot of backs? I saw Swift, Dobbins, AND Taylor all in mock drafts for the first round all far more than Clyde.. but look where they all went. Trevor deserves props for playing but he's coming off his worst performance of his career against us. If he destroyed us would he still have returned?? Don't know, never will. Chase can only go down and he's way way more likely to get hurt than a qb. He literally can only hurt his stock. Can't help it. Even then Chase still wanted to play and had to be convinced for months to opt out. He also opted out right after the UGA receiver hurt his leg for the second straight year. In practice.
Unless the Tigers win it again. Then we celebrate When is the last time you bought gas? They haven't given shit away since the 70s
Jacoby Stevens will get the #7 jersey vacated, but never fielded by Chase. In one week, there will be no cow bells in Tiger Stadium. Just cups.
Chris Curry and Damone will share the #18 on both sides of the ball. It's almost time for a game thread.
Just watched the 60min interview with CEO. Pretty good job of keeping free of politics. They baited him on athlete compensation like whats in it for them. You know, besides world class training and full ride education. He handled it well. My fav part was them interviewing his mom. She 24K cher (no r).