TBob53T-Bob Hebert I just heard about this alleged argument that took place between me and coach miles before the game, there is absolutely no truth to it
Totally agree. The thing is, I can accept the loss and that Bama was the better team. The hard part is that it was SO bad and SO difficult to watch that it's hard not to believe there is at least somewhat of an explanation besides what Bama brought to the Dome. I don't want to come off as not giving Bama credit. They deserve it but I'm sure even Bama is surprised at how ineffective we were and that we went down in flames without even using everything we had. That WAS NOT the same team we saw for 12.5 games
Agreed also. Alabama was given a huge advantage with this rematch. How can a team not look at an opponent that they already beat, have to play their way into the championship game, and not look at Alabama or that game with some disappointment. You are taking the biggest victory of the season for those kids and saying it didn't mean squat. Alabama had nothing to lose, LSU had everything to lose. And it showed, this wasn't LSU that we saw Monday night, it was a shell of a team that really didn't grasp the fact that they are playing an injured animal with nothing and I mean nothing to lose.
TBob53T-Bob Hebert Also me and Jordan never fought; this team is a team full of brothers and we always played for each other over everything else @TBob53T-Bob Hebert Nothing out of the ordinary happened before the game he is going off on all the rumors right now TBob53T-Bob Hebert “@_GeauxTigersGo: @TBob53 so are all these stories much ado about nothing?” correct
Yep. They played a great opponent, had a terrible game plan, and got their asses handed to them. In the words of Freud, sometimes a banana is just a banana. This guy puts it best: The need to believe (or the fallacy of LesGate) | The Accidental Cajun
Yeah Think I'm just gonna have to accept it. Does no good to do otherwise. I will always wonder why JL never saw the field but the one truth that can't be disputed is that Bama kicked our ass.