Saw it a couple of times and the rule seems legit. We are gonna get the strangle hold with that often this season. That and imaginary defensive injuries to help slow the pace. Pussies.
I think the announcers talked about it during the game when Joe was jumping up and down waiting for the ball. Pretty sure it's actually a new rule.
This reminds me of an old joke which might be right up Vball's alley . John McKay coach of USC is giving his team a pep talk before the game . To help them relax McKay tells them 'Remember, gentlemen regardless of the pressure you might be feeling , there are a billion Chinese who don't care if you win or lose. Now just got there and play your best.' The Trojans get trounced 44-0 and the next morning Mccay received a phone call from then Peking the voice on the other end of the line says 'Coach, what the hell happened?'
NCAA RULE CHANGES FOR 2019: 1. Targeting ... Past targeting calls were subject to video review with three possible outcomes: A call could be confirmed or overturned, or, if there wasn’t enough evidence to overturn it on the field, it could stand. New Targeting Rule: The new rule no longer allows referees to “stand” with the play as called, meaning targeting penalties will be imposed only when they clearly withstand more scrutiny. For targeting, officials will have to confirm every element of the call for a player to be penalized. If any component of targeting, like a player aiming at an opponent with the intent of attacking, is absent, the call on the field will be overturned. A “targeting indicator” will still need to be plainly evident for any call to be confirmed. 4 TARGETING INDICATOR EXAMPLES IN THE NEW RULES INCLUDE: A) Launch — a player leaving his feet to attack an opponent by an upward and forward thrust of the body to make forcible contact in the head or neck area B) Crouch — followed by an upward and forward thrust to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area, even though one or both feet are still on the ground C) Leading with helmet, shoulder, forearm, fist, hand or elbow to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area D) Lowering the head —before attacking by initiating forcible contact with the crown of the helmet.
Ok ... Now you know the New Rules and 4 HeadHunter Examples ... You can bet your ass the players know these 4 examples ... The Chiasson review for targeting met to criteria for an OVERTURN In addition, Repeat Offenders get SPECIAL PENALTIES ... 3-timers in a season get walked off the field AND MISS A WHOLE GAME The new OT RULE requires 2-pt conversion after 4 OTs ... These 2-pointers start at the 3 yard line ... Also ... 2-minute breaks after the 2nd and 4th OT periods
Ok ... ND always gets a pass ... It’s called the Christian Courtesy as refs fear Hellfire for making a call against ND You’re now up to speed on Targeting and OT Rules for Player Health/Safety Last on New Rule Changes: My favorite BLIND SIDE BLOCK RULE: 15 yard personal foul for laying the pine on a poor bastid that CANT SEE IT COMING ... N.C.A.A. formal definition of a blindside block — “an open field block against an opponent that is initiated from outside the opponent’s field of vision, or otherwise in such a manner that the opponent cannot reasonably defend himself against the block”