She either resigned or was fired. Not really my point. My question is, where does this stop? What if there really were some rude white people? I know too dam many rude white assholes. Why can she not say so, however she chooses to?
She has a perfect right to say whatever she wants. It's freedom of speech. But do it under your employers name and wearing your uniform and you are representing your employer. Business is business and racism is bad for business. It's freedom of stupid and will get you fired anywhere. When will people learn that tweeting your every thought is not a smart thing to do. We think things that we shouldn't share. I'm thinking something right now, but I ain't going to say it.
I agree with Red. Young people (and even some older folks) think they can and/or should post every single thought that pops into their heads. Sure, she had a right to say whatever she wanted. And Brookfield Zoo had a right to fire her.
Yeah? What about this one?;_ylu=X3oDMTZuYjZzZ2k5BGEDMTUwNjEyIHBhcmVudGluZyB0ZWFjaGVyIGZpcmVkIHBvb2wgcGFydHkgcmFudCB0BGFpZANpZC0zNTYxMzMxBGNjb2RlA2dhBGNwb3MDMQRnA2U0MjRjZTczLWI5MmEtMzBmYi04ZDU2LWJjZmE3MGUzOGYwZQRpbnRsA3VzBGl0YwMwBHBrZ3QDMQRwa2d2AzQEcG9zAzIEcgNEWGN0T2NBVnN3d3hQaDJzcmJnK1RkaEtZa0E9BHNlYwN0ZC1mZWEEc2xrA3RpdGxlBHRlc3QDOTAx/RV=1/RE=1435366886/RH=aHNyZC55YWhvby5jb20-/RO=2/RU=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueWFob28uY29tL3BhcmVudGluZy90ZWFjaGVyLWZpcmVkLWZvci1zaG9ja2luZ2x5LXJhY2lzdC1wb3N0LTEyMTM2NTYyMzc5Mi5odG1s/RS=^ADA7pAJKDLo3XUzr1i621bd2FG8b3c- You need to STFU or you're next.
I reckon her being a teacher, subject to those same black kids becoming her student would be cause for GTFO. If she felt her opinion had value, she would not have apologized.
she spelled y'all correctly. was it auto-correct or is she just a fn genius? i got 100 bucks she still says debick or credick.
What about it? If people make racially inflammatory remarks publicly, they may lose their jobs. The stuff you say here anonymously, would get your fired by any school board if it were on the record and you know it. Here is what she said . . . “I guess that’s what happens when you flunk out of school and have no education. I’m sure their parents are just as guilty for not knowing what their kids were doing; or knew it and didn’t care,” she continued. “I’m almost to the point of wanting them all segregated on one side of town so they can hurt each other and leave the innocent people alone.” Another case of not knowing when to keep private opinions private. Freedom of Speech does not prevent anyone from saying something stupid that can get them fired. You have no Constitutional right to your job.
It always amazes me how many people confuse their freedom of speech with a freedom from the consequences that accompany that speech.
A few weeks ago some idiot was arrested after he posted a picture of himself waving the murder weapon around on his Facebook page.
I agree with everything you say here. I suppose it's a consequence of technology's omniscience. My problem is the different standards and consequences that are applied depending on who you are. Donald Sterling made a derogatory comment in private, was taped in violation of CA law, and was forced to sell his business. Yesterday Stephen A Smith made a derogatory comment about the German women's soccer team and their hair. Don Imus made a derogatory comment about black women's hair. Don Lemon made a really repulsive suggestion to one of the alleged Cosby rape victims asking why she didn't bite his balls instead of being forced to orally copulate him. Yet all of them were not treated similarly. The same people who told Tim Tebow to shut up about his faith are also applauding Caitlyn for his public "outing". I despise double standards.