cgisclair - Thanks for the info. I'm not questioning your info as I believe you, but it worries me a little that he emailed DD. I'm expecting DD to be posting something like "I have received word that LSU received a HUGE committment this past weekend, but this player does not want his intentions known, so I will not be posting the information". More than anything, DD likes to be the first to unofficially, officially anounce something. I just hope Ryan is not toying with everyone on this one, but it sounds like yall are good friends, and I hope he wouldn't do something like that. Anyway, when you spoke to him, did he give any inclination as to whether or not his friends will be joining him? I know you've previously said that's what you believe, but has he given you a good reason today to think that? Thanks again for keeping us informed.
Well I am now hearing he will not be posted on b/c he refuses to do a telephone conference, so Don thinks the email is fake. We will see... I have to jet... be back at 9-930... Yes all the recruits had a good time
I guess answer this when you get back.. But, why in the world would Ryan refuse to do a telephone conference? If it is true and RP has indeed emailed Dandy Don, why would he care whether what medium of communication he uses? Also, from your post here, it seems as though you have other sources other than RP or are you really calling him like every five minutes?
Seems like RP may be messing with him too Since when does DD need more verification than an email hehe.
I am sorry but the whole thing is fishy. If RP would have notified anyone, it would have been Les Miles. Why e-mail DD and blow his moment in the spotlight Wednesday. I just don't buy it.
..........because he was burnt before. It would make sense he needs more credible proof before he makes a fool of himself by posting too quick. ________ SHIP SALE
Especially since he received an Email yesterday that said RP called LD and asked him to call the UT coaches and tell them he was going to LSU. Luckily DD called LD, who said it was all BS.