No comment! But I have a surprise for LSU fans! haha later today... A surprise that will yield me big rep points! HINT HINT haha
Clarify that if you would....YOU have a surprise for LSU fans or RYAN PERRILLOUX has a surprise for LSU fans??
I said in July when he committed to Texass he was going to LSU and was laughed at. To negative LSU fans, Texass fans, etc. I will get the last laugh. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahhaahahhahhahahhahahahahahhhahhhhhahaahahhahahahahahahahahahhhhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhhahahhhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahaahahhahaahahhahahaahahah. He is and has been LSU bound.
I work with a lot of accountants and lawyers they are all cynics - that probably explains it. Deep down, I am thinking/hoping that my Point of View is nothing more than a defense mechnasim to shield the potential disappointment. Here's to hoping your right :geauxtigs !!!
Boulder, I'd have to say your right. Those types of people are very cynical and you can't blame them when you look at their job and alot of the types of people they have to deal with. It's the reason I have chosen not to go to law school or pursue a degree in Accounting!
Ok! I will spill the beans... I have been informed that he emailed Dandy Don and told him of his LSU committment, so I'm sure it will be on the site a little later on.