If they were smart they would have worn those shirts over their heads during their 'walk of shame' back to their dorms. That's the problem with shirts like that--ya can't wear them after a beatdown! Next time invest your $20 on a basic WVU booster shirt--you'll get a bit more mileage out of it. Your $20 'bet' against LS-Who? ? How'd that work out for ya? :geauxtige
I, for one, would be glad to see WVU in the SEC. It would be another Kentucky/Vanderbilt game every 2 years. Maybe relevant every 3-4.
I finally fiqured out who this ugly as* idoit looks like!!! The dude in the M & M's comercial......"hungry eyes" check it out you will laugh your as* off.....when I saw it the other noght I died laughing....my wife was like what the hell is so funny?
I strongly disagree with this. I mean, not like I wanna fight about it disagree...but still. WVU is relevant nationally now, although they would not have the same success in the SEC. That said, the part I disagree with most is that KY and Vandy aren't relevant every 3-4 years. KY and Vandy aren't relevant ever. :yelwink2: I agree WVU could be 'relevant' occasionally in the SEC. They could certainly be a spoiler anytime. They are better than MSU, OM, Vandy, KY, pretty much all the time. Right now, they're better than Tennessee and probably UGA and AU. They are (obviously) not on the level of LSU or Bama or UF, and right now, not even USCe or Arky. However, they would be better than half of the SEC most years, and would be in the top 4 of the SEC occasionally. They might even win the east every 8-10 years, if the stars aligned.
I'd rather have Mizzou. They play in a much stronger conference and have had at least as much success as WVU has in their much weaker conference. Plus Mizzou would bring a much larger media market and fans with much more class. Hands down Missouri over WVU.
Back on topic, those classy WVU fans might like to know that T-bob and Brockers missed practice with injuries from the game. You know the players they booed when they got hurt. Dandy Don?s LSU Recruiting and Sports News - LSU Football and More!
Me too but it's looking like Mizzou is less and less an option. And with teams most likely not wanting to jump from the ACC to the SEC we aren't left with many other choices. It's basically either take WVU for a new market or grab a team that's already in our current footprint which the SEC doesn't want to do. Sucks, I know.
They boo'ed... do you really think they *care*? They just exhibited their lack of sportsmanship and lack of manners and lack of class (if there wasn't such a thing as no-class they'd have no class at all)... just like their coach. After that exhibition I hope hell freezes over before any legitimate mention of them coming into the SEC surfaces.