Just trying to state the facts here, but don't act like you all smell like roses 24/7. I went to the game, and the WVU fans were booing after the 3rd injury took place on the same drive. But, the next time that WVU got the ball back, a WVU player was injured, and BOTH of the LSU sections began to boo at the injured WVU player (which was obviously due to retaliation). It was very audible and I'm sure a YouTube link will come out soon in case you deny it. So, defend that however you want, but your fans repeated the same despicable behavior during the game. "Those turnovers (and an interestingly consistent streak of injuries to LSU defensive players) wrested that tempo control Holgorsen covets so dearly from his hand, and with a team this young and a scheme this new, talent alone wasn’t enough to make up the difference against an LSU outfit that’s looking less and less every week like they’re going to stop and pick up their usual two losses en route to a BCS bowl." - 2011 Tigers don’t deal in imaginary numbers – Campus Union
You suck and you're a stupid phucking hillbilly. How's that for hospitality? Go play in your Big East sandbox. The kiddies over there play nice.
An OL went down and they still boo'ed. Bush league. Oregon runs a faster offense than WV. 20 Unanswered points, says it all.....:tigereye:
I can vouch for the fact that the LSU section (not both, but definitely the students by the band) booed. But if you guys wanna be in the SEC, you have to prove yourselves as a fanbase to not be ignorant. See, MY problem was when your entire stadium booed an LSU OFFENSIVE LINEMEN'S injury!! Stupid. Oh, and speaking of stupid, Tyrann Mathieu says "Thanks for the treat(s), stupid". Your first post should've been something along the lines of "Great game", "You guys kicked our asses". Quit whining. Your team is good. It's not the team that isn't SEC ready... Oh, and your coach is an idiot...with a mullet...a balding mullet.
You already gave the answer yourself as to why Tiger fans were booing. It was retaliation due to the piss poor conduct of WVU fans AND the head coach. Having been to multiple games at Tiger stadium we've never booed an opposing teams injured player. Last year I was at a game where one kid really took a hit and actually got a standing ovation after getting up. That's a far cry from WVU booing an OFFENSIVE PLAYER that was hurt. However, if your rebuttal is WVU fans are too stupid to tell the difference between offense and defense I might accept that. At the end of the day we don't care if we smell like roses, because we've already proved your team plays like ****. Enjoy the rest of your mediocre season. Come visit again once you've grown a pair of :crystal::crystal:
I'm thankful for the intelligent responses. I'm not whining at all. I had a freaking amazing time. I didn't meet one LSU fan that wasn't enjoyable to hold a conversation with. My point of this post was to point out the facts. And, that is that the LSU fanbase did the same thing right back. How can you say, "The WVU fanbase is filth for booing injured players," without feeling hypocritical? Or, reply that, "You guys did it first," as if that excuses your side. Also, the WVU fans weren't booing LSU injured players on LSU's offensive side. Our senior DL, Bruce Irvin, is identified by our fans when he makes a play by the chant, "Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce." Which, understandibly, sounds like "Boo." Feel free to reply to my comments again by calling names again. Good stuff.
You're full of chit there, pal. I know all about Bruce Irvin and the "Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce" cheer. That is NOT what happened when T-Bob was injured. Your ignorant fanbase is trying to be Oregon East. At least the Oregon fans that boo when opposing players go down only do it to the defensive players. (which is inexcusable as well, but at least they pay attention) But no...it wasn't "Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuce" when T-Bob went down...and it continued until he was up and off the field. Ignorance is bliss, I guess...but why are you here whining when you have bliss in your life?
Yeah I agree. Even on t.v. and three sheets in the wind I could tell the difference. Nice try Mountaineer. Don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining pal.