we had 25 yards of offense second half. where was fournette? we had 1 1st down I think. not gonna ever win with that.
You should be asking where was the O line. 3 yard runs felt like 30 yard runs in the stadium because the O line sucked donkey balls. It's hard for your running back to do anything when your 6 foot 5 346 pound right tackle is laying flat on his back looking up at the sky. What a joke
I know I should know roster better but whoever 66 is sucked ass . Fat smelly ass. I mean the lady at the carnival who needs a bath ass.
Toby Wethersby. He shouldn't have played. This will have been the 7th straight game with a shuffled offensive line. That type of shit just doesn't work.
Is Moffet still in charge of conditioning? Maybe we need to insert some new blood there? Seems to me every three fricking plays an o linemen is laying down hurt.
Yes, he is one of the best in the business. I think our O line is just soft as fuck with no balls. And Jeff Grimes is a clueless fucktard.