I don't see the need for any poison pen articles about Les from the local media. Now that a change has been made, many Tiger fans will likely not take kindly to Les being mocked. Most writers have handled it well, but not Ron Higgins, who wrote a bilious, amateurish article "Coach O to the rescue after Botch Cassidy and the Somedunce kid ride off." To me the article reeks of washed up, bitter hackery from someone with a personal axe to grind. What happened Ron, Les was mean to you once? Ignored a questions or email from you? Shame on the Times Picayune editors to for letting this crap be published under their header.
He was probably one of the ones kissing Miles ass after the A&M game and calling all us minions idiots for wanting him fired..
No, at least Higgins has balls enough to come out of hiding and speak up. Same can't be said about old Yosimite.