do i? lets review: "That the Schumer bill would grant an unlimited right to abortion up into the very moment of birth, without restrictions" - you, saying that is wrong. if that is wrong, when would the bill restrict abortion? you claim the "without restrictions" claim is wrong. well where are the restrictions then? deflection and no answer. we know.
The Schumer bill DOES NOT RESTRICT ABORTIONS. It does not modify Roe v. Wade guidelines on which abortions are legal or not in any way. Learn to read.
i see so the Schumer bill would grant an unlimited right to abortion up into the very moment of birth, without restrictions. seems like you were overtly and explicitly claiming this was false just moments ago.
Roe v. Wade says that late term abortions can be prohibited. The Schumer bill doesn't grant any rights to abortion. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? You are seriously intellectually-deficient. Were you dropped on your head?
i see, so you do want to prohibit abortion and control over womens bodies sometimes. geez make up your mind. again i wonder why you as a white man think its ok to prohibit black women from controlling their own bodies.
I have already answered that question, you irredeemable twit. I mean this quite seriously: you are just not very bright.
i know, you dont agree that women have the right to their own bodies. if you want late term abortions prohibited, that explicitly means you want to force women to bear unwanted babies. have you read a handmaid's tale? you think women are mindless vessels for your white babies?