@Rex your stupid fixation that the senate bill was only RvW codified is given lie all across the board. I gave you a liberal view and here’s a libertarian detailing how it would have gone well past RvW in many ways. It was a shit bill that deserved to be voted down. https://reason.com/2022/05/12/the-f...ll-went-far-beyond-preserving-current-rights/
I read on an interweb that the FDA was gonna approve the Phizer and Moderna vaccines for a fetus prior to abortion. Big Pharma said it is necessary to vaccinate everything regardless of when life begins or ends. Biden said he will get around to lowering gas prices after this is paid for.
But you love big government and government spending. And prying by the government. So what’s the big deal
This is a question for those who are pro-lifers posed by Randall Terry. It comes from an article in the Bulwark. Whatever you think of him he’s a man who walks the walk. It’s a question everyone should ponder. Randall’s not everyone’s speed. He’s probably not yours, even if you’re pro-life. But I’ve always had grudging respect for him, and not just because I have a soft spot for eccentric screwballs. (He once filmed a music video featuring a firing squad in Obama masks executing baby dolls with paintball guns to the strains of Alice Cooper’s “Dead Babies.”) But because Randall puts his money where his mouth is: another time, he not only talked a prostitute out of having an abortion in front of an abortion clinic, but he later adopted two of her children. Love him or hate him, but the guy lives his gig. And because he takes abortion as seriously as the rest of us often only pretend to, he frequently asks hard and uncomfortable questions. . . . For my pro-life readers, here, I’m handing the mic over to Randall Terry, who I asked to jot down some hard questions for those who say they want to make abortion illegal, but who often give short shrift to what it will actually mean for a society in which all those unwanted children might be born. Randall: If you are really pro-life, would you be willing to sponsor or raise the money for an unwed pregnant teen; would you take a teen into your home – who then becomes a new teen mom? Would you take in a pregnant mother in distress, and provide her a place to stay before and after she has her baby – with or without government help – to help get and keep her on her feet? Or would that be too much inconvenient work? If we, in effect, compel pregnant women to carry their babies to term, what are we willing to do to see that the mom and child are not trapped in ignorance and poverty – the horrific twins of Scrooge’s nightmare? How dirty are you willing for your hands to get? How much mercy are you willing to show, and how much sacrifice are you willing to give, to help that mom and child? What personal sacrifice of time, money, comfort, and above all, reputation, am I willing to give?
If you are really about freedom, why are you here posting this none-sense and not fighting Russia? You see how dumb of an argument this is?