I don't know if you fully agree with me by what you said but in my simple 3 point plan a woman has to own it at some point. A decision is made and then that is what it is.
Yes, you asked where my right to eat and have sex was called out. Its called out in the 9th. However, you said women lost a constitutional right. There is no such constitutional right to kill your baby. Limitations on perceived rights are either covered in the constitution specifically or handled by states as per the constitution. Its quite a masterful document. Are you sure you have read it?
And you are too stupid to know that nowhere, not any interpretation of the constitution grants that right. It ISN'T IN THERE! Dummy
No, they have meaning to me. You are the one, along with the left, that has taken the meaning out of words. We discussed this. For example, I know that all women have a vagina.
You keep making arguments against yourself. If a boy turns into a man then neither word has any meaning, by your own statement.
So I take it you aren't familiar with enumerated rights and unenumerated? Because right after the 9th amendment is the 10th which might help your confusion.
Who said this? Boys and men share the same qualities and the two words were invented to describe the difference in a boy and man. Shall I teach you?