There is no such right in the Constitution, nor should there be. If fetuses were supposed to be persons with rights at the framing and adoption of the Constitution THEN WHY ARE THEY NOT INCLUDED IN THE CENSUS?
you didnt answer the question. does the biden admin want any limits on abortion? am i gonna have to ask another 60 times?
I've answered your questions several times now. Biden supports Roe v. Wade. Go educate yourself about what Roe v. Wade actually says.
You're wrong, dipshit. The proposed law does NOT say that. Your linked author is doing a dishonest hack job, and it's obvious you took her word for what the law says WITHOUT ACTUALLY READING IT, asshole. The law would not change Roe v. Wade, wherein states have the power to prohibit abortions in the third trimester. The purpose of the legislation is to make access to legal abortions secure, safe, and without hassle, and to protect medical professionals. In fact, your linked text specifically states that "A health care provider has a statutory right under this Act to provide abortion services, and may provide abortion services, and that provider’s patient has a corresponding right to receive such services, without any of the following limitations or requirements: (8) A prohibition on abortion at any point or points in time prior to fetal viability, including a prohibition or restriction on a particular abortion procedure." The law is clearly constructed within the requirements of Roe v. Wade, which recognizes a state's right to prohibit abortions after viability. So, in a nutshell, your author is lying, and you'll be lying, too, when you double down on that bullshit.
so there are no limits of abortion at all then? abortion is ok the minute before birth? its interesting i never have to be secretive about what i think, like you do. i just answer questions and its easy. maybe my views are more well considered such that i dont have to keep them secret
More evidence of what I've said about you: YOU ARGUE LIKE A FIVE YEAR OLD. I've answered your same question multiple times. I've summarized Roe. v. Wade, listed its most relevant provisions, and have specifically said I agree with them. GO READ ROE V. WADE, YOU F***ING NITWIT.
Admit it, you got BURNED by a typically dishonest rightwing hack. So, when are you going to apologize?
so you do agree that there should be no limits to abortion, even the minute before birth? its really amusing how frequently this happens that you are scared to admit your own beliefs
I am never scared to admit my beliefs here, nitwit. ROE V. WADE does NOT say that there should be no limits to abortion, you five year old nitwit.
so you do agree that there should be no limits to abortion, even the minute before birth? does the biden admin want any limits on abortion? am i gonna have to ask another 60 times?