they contain the DNA of the parent, which is not novel, its just a copy. the new creation has unique DNA, and its an entity unique in the universe, a new pattern of info. a new life.
And there's a significant period of time within that process when the fetus doesn't have the ability to form a thought, much less have a personality to thus constitute a person. If the idea is that every sperm/cell combination must be protected because it has the potential to become a person then we should outlaw masturbation, because every sperm cell destroyed MIGHT have been part of an eventual person. It's ridiculously specious to equate embryos with adolescents.
DNA is not a person, it's a chemical. There is no compelling cosmic law that says every unique strand of DNA must be preserved, especially when doing so would fuck up the lives of so many millions of ACTUAL PEOPLE.
i noticed you didn't contest the FACT that both sperm and egg are LIFE. The poster said that LIFE begins at conception. He's just FLAT OUT WRONG. And guess why he chose the word "life" instead of the actual situation, "unique strand of DNA"? Obviously because the former invokes emotion whereas the latter does not. It's a disingenuous semantic ruse.
unique human life, not life. the new unique DNA is a being that is new. some might say a human being. mabye you can find the bit of DNA that indicates race so you can have the blacks killed, hitler