You are right. I dont. Just like I dont care about starving kids in North Korea. There are far too many bad things on this planet for me to care about especially on things I cannot control. I think its a states right and the federal government needs less power. I do, however, acknowledge abortion is killing.
Rex trying to base laws on bad cases like this make bad law. I’ll not pretend to know when life begin (or maybe more appropriately when a soul is present). However I do think both ends of the argument are not tenable. Laws preventing abortion will do nothing to help either the prospective baby or the mother. The apparent insistence that an abortion can and should be purely choice and available up to and including birth is too close to murder. A pox on both purists. Frankly if anyone if for the ridiculous restrictions now being promulgated then birth control, maternal support for pregnancy and after should be provided (if at all possible by the father). There are too many problems that come up that endangers a mother’s life or where the fetus isn’t viable or so damaged abortion is a mercy. My niece had an ectopic pregnancy. Should she only have a choice of either dying or going to jail. These laws are nothing but the state dictates you purport to abhor. Likewise I have a very hard time condoning an abortion of a healthy baby after viability which is 21 weeks or so. Is it ok to abort a child with Down’s syndrome or similar defect. I went to school with a guy born without legs….he became a doctor, yet under the concepts of the abortion rights crowd abortion wouldn’t have been a problem. So in the case of rape or incest is the baby’s life any less valuable than one created out of love? Why is it ok to abort them? Point I’m making is there is no absolute answer. Maybe if we had a little more compassion for those facing the choice and as a society helped those who needed it we could find a solution. I know banging heads is useless and defeating.
The State of Louisiana, obviously. Is it unconstitutional to do so? Who knows with this rancid hack court? Arrest that woman for murder. Take the case to the Supreme Court. What stopped Mississippi from going to Court? Don't be cowardly. Save those "unborn children" from murder by discouraging visits to other states. Their lives are at stake. But you don't REALLY care about the lives of those "unborn children", do you?
Why would Louisiana issue a warrant for a murder in Chicago? How would they even know? Are you this clueless?
Whether you realize it or not, you're making an argument for the judicial wisdom and correctness of Roe v. Wade.
You have a reading problem. I clearly said "if they knew about it".... and there are MANY ways to know about it. After all, Texas is already rewarding snitches.
Arrest for Chicago. That’s a stupid strawman argument. And I highly doubt the early puberty is climate related. Another stupid strawman. I’d have agreed if you’d said steroids in chickens.
To give you an excuse to be a coward? Let's see... the USA has severe criminal laws against people going to Thailand to have sex with underage girls. Is that wrong? Should they go scot free, instead, as long as they rape children in other countries? As far as THIS country goes... if that fetus is a life worth protecting, wouldn't the Constitutional protections for that individual override any states rights? Do you believe in the Constitution? Do you believe the Supreme Court has a right to confirm the sanctity of that life? Didn't Alito just say that he had to overrule Roe v. Wade because a life was at stake? And now you're going to excuse away MURDER because of some border? You don't REALLY care about the lives of those "unborn children", do you?