and yet again you are on the side of killing black babies. why is it every single position you take disproportionately hurts black people?
In this country black women die during childbirth at a rate 4 times higher than do white women. Abortion is a healthcare issue, and it's why black women avail themselves more often. Racists such as yourself like to cherry pick data in the same way climate change deniers do to make specious arguments.
I am a proud well read intelligent climate denier blessed with something you have not one spec of.... common sense!. And unlike you not a racist. Actually YOU are the climate denier in that you deny global warming and climate change are naturally caused. DENIER!
According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day. In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion [1] , there are over 3,000 abortions per day. Twenty-two percent of all pregnancies in the USA (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion.
looks like the capitol is gearing up for another great insohreckshan. The supreme court is fenced off. Capitol police expect protest and violence. Edit: Supreme Court justice's home addresses are being distributed because the left likes to take their outrage to a person's home and also at restaurants when they eat.
The guy who thinks "has went" is proper grammar claims himself to be well read and intelligent. Never a full moment here, I guess.
Make no mistake... Republicans like Alito don't give two shits about children who would have been aborted as fetuses. That's why they consistently vote against healthcare programs, pre-K programs, and daycare programs that would allow their mothers to earn a decent lifestyle for them. Instead, it's all about fulfilling a religion-based notion that a fertilized egg is some sort of person, and that protecting it will earn themselves celestial brownie points. It's about controlling women and making them second class people in the Abrahamic tradition. Other advanced countries, where evangelical crackpots haven't had their sway, care much more for women's rights, and abortion is much less an issue. It's no coincidence that countries where abortion is criminalized are more likely to be talibanic and autocratic.
Or, you know, women could swallow and/or close their legs. Why must the government provide for hoes? Women were created to be hosts for additional humans to populate the planet.
Can we just start the war between the Left and the Right already?? This abortion b.s. is nothing more than a distraction. Everyone agrees that Roe v Wade is a pathetic ruling, not because of what it protects, but because of the lack of specificity. Rape, incest, health concerns, etc, are NOT what is on the table. The opposition to Roe v Wade is seated in the issue of the CHILD, particularly at later terms. RvW does not define when a child is a child, and because of that, we have States like CO signing into laws that technically legalize infanticide. NOW .. me being a State Rights guy, I"m all for CO doing whatever they want, as long as their stupidity doesn't become National Law, thus thwarting the will of people in places remote of CO.