You're demanding asignupe99 provide you with some sort of proof or facts when the only proof or facts you have provided are a depth chart put out by the Alabama athletics department. You are saying you have a lot more than that, but the crux of your point is the depth chart which is hardly a credible source.
neither one of us is going to go back and look through articles, so only thing we can look at is depth chart, which is better than what he provided ( which was nothing). but it doesnt matter, we can both be wrong, I enjoyed the discussion.
As did I RRM. For the record, I'm an LSU fan. I don't know Bama's roster. Don't care to. I'll see enough of the important guys on the sports shows this fall. I expect nothing more or less from rival fans. I used something called deductive reasoning. If it happened to a guy I know about through a personal connection, then it stands to reason he's not the first to be told the same. So with neither of us producing anything beyond what we've produced, we'll remain at this stalemate. And that's quite alright with me, as I'm sure it is with you. And you're right, I'm not gonna go back and look through articles. There's no money or pride to be had here so it's not worth the effort. How's the weather out your way? Hot as heck here. Long hot summer on the way.
LSU staff is not waiting on RN. We are targeting a ton of DE right now. Will probably take 2-3 more. Already have Michael Patterson, Tim Williams will likely be another, Pevot could be another. Targeting a bunch of other highly ranked prospects. He's all over the board but mentions LSU several times......thought some of you would enjoy
yeah Williams and Prevot would both be really good pickups. Prevot of course has to get bigger but that shouldnt be hard to do.
Kind of like Mingo but Pevot looks like he will be able to hold more. We got him on the Gayle Hatch plan.
Also could have all these guys DL on campus this weekend. Tim Williams Tashawn Bower Frank Herron Darius Paige