And here I thought this thread had blown up because he might be coming here. I was waaaaay off. :grin: Well hopefully LSU is not seriously entertaining the idea of him coming here. And my objection has nothing to do with this guy personally. Don't know anything about him and really don't care. It has everything to do with us having 5 scholarship QBs on campus next fall, and I would like the kids Miles convinced to come here to get the shot they were promised. Our QB situation is not bad. My bet is he won't be at LSU next year.
Proof? Your post in this thread at 7:28 AM. I already stated that the usage of 'thug' was probably over the top. If you want me to give RedElephants some more crap, I'm sure we can arrange that.
But you still came after me and I wasnt talking about RedElephents, another person said thug was the wrong word. Then you proceed to give me negative rep. you have a real problem, but I have you have a wonderful day.:thumb: Here is the post from Parasendic:
B average is not acceptable? :hihi: I definitely think criticizing a bad attitude is in-bounds, but I also think we should reign in our criticism for most offenses that aren't too serious. Everyone makes mistakes.
My sarcasm stems from those who choose to air out personal criticism in threads rather utilizing the free to everyone, "Private Message" tool. It is quite effective as I have managed to soften a few differences which, has been 100% effective to date. Imagine, if we all tried it, even just once that many others who simply troll might just contribute. Through their silence, we miss a lot I am sure. For those potentially offended, Happy Hanukkah. :thumb:
I don't think he will either, but if we are entertaining him coming it makes you wonder whether at least one of our QB's is considering transfering.
I hate to do this, but the odd of winning the lottery are exactly the same with one ticket or 1 million. Each set of numbers is mutually exclusive of the others.