I remember a commentator talking about him taking a teammate from out-of-state duck hunting and saying how he was a big duck hunter. I was too. Made me like him more.
Mike Detillier has been discussing Hokie on various radio shows. He said he and Bobby Hebert actually played against reach other in high school. Mike, Bobby, and Coach O all crossed paths back then. Wild. Anyway, Mike said Hokie was only about 200 pounds at LSU, but he always had good technique and prided himself on never making a mental mistake. Tragic loss. He bulked up with the Saints and his 6 yards per carry remains a Saints record. Jim Henderson was on the radio and sobbed. He brought me to tears. Another Saint in the sky. .
yea from what I understand this thing was found on an airport x-ray scanner. (those things finally did some good). I also thought he was doing great until several months ago apparently the lesion invaded into his femur and caused a pathologic fracture. After that I guess things went down hill. Sad sad month for LSU and Saints.
I grew up across the street from the Gajans during the mid to late 70's. Hokie started at Baker High School and was described as being a good representative of Baker High. Here's a great article on him: Former Baker High, LSU coaches remember strength, leadership of Hokie Gajan RIP Hokie
Absolutely! Great comparison, especially from the point they were both down in the grass/dirt, gritty guys.