The jury heard bad evidence. Perry had numerous reports at his hands which showed the evidence presented to the jury was not correct. Instead of granting a stay so the new evidence could be heard, he let the execution continue. His attempt at justifying his actions was that the convicted guy was an alleged wife abuser.
Rick Perry is full of crap and will continue us down the path of big government despite the tea party pandering he's been doing lately. Say one thing, keep doing something else. He is only a different shade of W. At least Huntsman is a principled individual. I'm all in on Ron Paul and outside of Paul there is little principled leadership. The great majority will continue us down the path of self-destruction.
This is a lie that Perry and you have swallowed hook, line, and sinker. This chart says: Starting in 2035, there will not be enough money in the current Social Security system to pay benefits as promised. But that doesn’t mean the program will collapse. If Congress does absolutely nothing, beneficiaries will continue to get 74% of their benefits through 2085, which is just about as far into the future as anyone can pretend to see. it’s hard to see how Social Security meets the definition of a Ponzi Scheme. It is not a fraud. It’s workings are entirely transparent. And the risks are clearly known. Rick Perry’s use of the term “Ponzi Scheme” must be read as political rhetoric, pure and simple.
You are jumping to a huge and erroneous conclusion. Those early investments paid for a small number of early staff. The huge numbers of staff that you mention now are paid for by profits provided by Apple customers. I'm an Apple stockholder, I've seen the annual reports.
At a mere 12% of almost every dollar earned in this country. What a bargain. But you are right, it's not a ponzi scheme.
Current "investors" pay money in expecting a return and early investors are being paid with money that newer investors are paying in. That's classic Ponzi. It's not a fraud but it's mismanagement. This is not an Obama criticism. This is a politician criticism. Accept that the system is broken and needs to be fixed. Perry's terminology is designed to highlight the seriousness of the problem. Must you try and shoot down everything a Republican does?