Thanks for that., Now tell me how the willful termination of a fetus is the same as a kid getting sick and possibly having or not having insurance? Are you so stupid to not see the difference here?
No, Insurance only pays for prevention, doctors and medicine. Its like linking wealth to mortality. Same relationship. Poor people have less and live less. Lack of insurance isn't the "cause". Your words aren't clear and even your report shows that. "Nearly 45,000 annual deaths are associated with lack of health insurance, according to a new study published online today by the American Journal of Public Health. That figure is about two and a half times higher than an estimate from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in "
The children in Puerto Rico are in good shape...Santa Claus visited them today passing out tuna fish, flashlights and paper towels...even though Santa's budget is out of wack. Everyone likes Santa....he's the greatest.
I mean you. You can go. Can you name something Trump has done to harm you or make life more difficult? Twitter doesn't count.