Republicans Republicans chances of winning Senate majority continue to brighten

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    I don't even know where Ceti Alpha V is but I bet it had 20 virgins waiting for him.
  2. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    I already said I didn't think the President lied.

    Coining something as "bullshit" covers a lot.

    No need for snarkiness. It was a legit question from me attempting to understand what you were referencing. Your point didn't prove anything.

    Did you talk to a DEVGRU operative? And again, what I said was basic operating procedure was not followed and it had nothing to do with what occurred in the field. The interviews take place individually and immediately after mission to determine accuracy and truth.

    I didn't say his body was sitting there in the house. And since when does the US military show respect for muslim laws? Are we not violating quite a few of them right now?

    No. You believe what you are being told. I don't. That's the only difference.

    I never said the raid was a fabrication. I suggested the possibility that bin ladin was not killed in the raid. Who said anything about SOF and a wrecked helicopter being non-existent? What I said was that a Gold team demolition expert could have melted what we left behind instead of leaving it behind. You don't like when others put words in your mouth, but you are good at it.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    We play hardball in FSA, mister. I pay you the compliment of not pulling punches because of your gender. We can't do that with most anonymous internet females, who wear their feelings on their sleeves and are easily upset.

    OK, perhaps you were not aware, a US muslim chaplain oversaw the burial at sea which was conducted as per standard US Navy procedure and quickly as per muslim custom. The idea was that were burying an terrorist enemy not disrespecting his religion. We have muslim allies. We have muslims in US service.

    So what? Do you imagine that they never have eyewitness conflicts. The point is that both agree that Osama bin Ladin was killed in the raid and so do the anonymous SEALS that are singing to the press like canaries. It kind of shoots down your notion of a vast conspiracy.

    If they went there to collect a dead body, its presence would have violated the laws his own people are very strict about. Are you suggesting that we discovered and took his dead body along on the raid to stage it all? Pardon me for being skeptical.

    I'm believing what has been in the official records, documented, attested to by officials on-the-record and widely accepted -- even by Al Qaeda who admitted that bin Ladin had been killed in Pakistan. I have no reason to disbelieve it.

    You believe things that have not been stated by any person involved, apparently from no sources that you can name, and believed by . . . who?

    You are the one who asked me when the last bin Ladin video was, so I cited you a list of the videos. Must I link each one? Would you deny their authenticity if I did so?

    And I'm pointing out a lot of holes in that notion and the lack of evidence.

    Did you not say that bin Ladin could not have been killed because shooting him in the head was not official SOP? Forgetting for the moment that you have not offered the official SOP as evidence, I simply point out that wrecking a helicopter is not SOP either. Shit happens in battle. Your thesis is unconvincing.

    Melted it how, exactly? Who says this? The demolition expert at hand blew it up so thoroughly that it's tail flew over the wall leaving behind burning wreckage.
  4. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I don't believe in any conspiracies on the OBL death either, but I do think it would have behooved the gum'mit to compile some evidence before dumping the body. Fingerprints, a DNA swab and comprehensive photos of distinguishing features could have been taken in about 30 minutes. In the immediate aftermath of the raid no one was questioning the results. But obviously some people have begun to raise questions - not all of whom are nutjobs - and it would not have taken an enormous amount of pre-planning or effort to be prepared to answer those questions.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    All of those things were done . . . DNA, fingerprints, dental X-rays and casts, lots of photos, why would you think that they were careless about identification? Confirming bin Ladin's identity was a big part of the planning and execution of the raid.

    The photos were not released because of the grisly nature of his head wound. The US had taken a lot of international criticism for releasing the photos of Saddams sons with their bruised and bloody faces. Technically it is a violation of the Geneva convention. We ourselves condemned Iraqis and Somalis for photographing and releasing picture of dead American soldiers.
  6. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Didn't realize Al Quaeda was a signatory of the Geneva Convention. Furthermore, despite your claims that we were trying to be sensitive to Muslims, there were Islamic clerics who immediately argued afterward that burial at sea is permissible only under extraordinary circumstances, which OBL's death did not meet.

    As for the rest....the head wound was too grisly? Don't release that picture. Give up the DNA evidence, the fingerprints, the photos of distinguishing marks. Every credible news agency out there asked for even a partial release of corraborating evidence under the FOIA and were denied.
    Bengal B likes this.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    The United States of America is.

    We were being respectful of Islam, not trying to make every muslim cleric in the world happy.

    The CIA has special authority to prevent the release of "operational files" in ways that can't effectively be challenged in federal court. They view this as part of an ongoing war and don't want the enemy to know what they can and can't do.

    If bin Ladin is alive, why does Al Qaeda call him a martyr? Why has he made no new videos? Why is Ayman al -Zawahiri now leader of Al Qaeda?
  8. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Muslims must be buried in the ground. We could have done that in a variety of places without saying where. The ocean was a handy explanation. The narrative that we were being respectful of islam is just that....muslims don't believe it anyway. Why did we hold on to Uday and Qusay for over a week? When other countries wouldn't take their bodies, why not dump them in the ocean? If we planned this raid for months and knew that bin laden's death was a possibility, an in-ground burial could have been planned for.

    The Pentagon has said they don't have any photos, videos, etc. 25 minutes of alleged live "actual footage" was blacked out for all those in the WH "war room" photo. So they didn't see a damn thing. Dental X-rays? So tell us, who was bin laden's dentist? The DNA retrieved and reported on could easily have come from bin laden's son who was killed in the raid. I'm guessing his son sorta looked like him too.
    I said I believe he is dead....and was dead at the time of the raid. The raid occurred and perhaps for a variety of reasons. I just don't believe that osama bin laden was killed in it nor that his body was nicely washed, wrapped up like an un-used tampon and dumped into the sea. You believe what the government tells you...I am skeptical by nature so I don't.
  9. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    We're not obligated to apply terms of the convention to non-signatories, certainly not to combatants that don't even represent a recognized nation.

    The mullahs making that argument were doing so as authorities on Islam, not offering a personal opinion.

    I'm not suggesting they should have revealed tactics or sources, some of which happened anyway. I'm suggesting they could have offered some proof they got who they say they got.

    Go back to my first post. I never said we didn't get him.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Why would we want him or expect any other country to take him? He would end up in a country where he would have a monument built. Now he is crab shit at the bottom of the Arabian Sea. You really have a problem with that?

    The Pentagon turned over all of their records on the raid to the CIA.

    Bin laden was raised in luxury by a billionaire father in Saudi Arabia. He has dental records. CIA has had them for years.

    Yes, funny that bin Ladin's son was there ain't it? They have photos, dental, and DNA for positive ID of him, as well.

    I know. People still don't believe Oswald killed Kennedy. Or that OJ killed Nicole. People think the moon landings were staged and aliens landed in Roswell and the government lies. I understand having a suspicious nature and innate skepticism. You are entitled.

    But I will challenge what I think is phony evidence or raw speculation purported as fact.
    Winston1 likes this.

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