Funny, in the other thread I just post I talked about how we thought we were the big city - really. It was hard to see the world through the eyes of one TV station. No wheels. But the bootlegger we used to buy Taaka Cherry vodka from when I was 16 lived in a house with wheels
Good for Marco Rubio yesterday for asking Rex Tillerson tough questions. Hopefully he sticks to his guns and votes no on Tillerson.
No, I had it right. Rubio was the one who referred to the size of his hand, a real tsunami. He ended up trying to change his personality on the campaign trail COMPLETELY. Trump was SO inside Rub's head it was sad. Rubio made an ass out of himself cause it didn't fit him. Then Trump busted (sic) his ass in Rub's home state. It just wasn't god's plan. EDIT: You know, they're all Trump's bitch, really. So we can agree on that.
Did Rubio just fold up and start campaigning and doing calls for him though? I can't remember. Trump may have kicked his ass in the primary, but I don't know if Rubio pulled a Cruz and actually was his bitch. Fuck, Trump dogged Cruz' wife, said shit like his father was in league with Oswald or something crazy, and 3 months later Cruz is campaigning for Trump? What the fuck? I would have just as soon shot myself than become a complete bitch like that. What little respect, and I mean little, I had for Cruz was completely lost when I saw that.
Trump owned em all. He made Ja Jebbie look like the biggest pussy in the 5th grade and he Punked Perry too. We didn't know at the time but now have to assume Fiorina had to have been so mad cause he grabbed a handful of pussy back stage.
60 plus Democratic lawmakers not attending inaug. Big phuckin deal, let 'em stay away. I'd say Trump's off to a good start draining the swamp.