Code: When bush lost the majority in congress it was a referendum on his presidentcy but when the same happens to democrats no one says that it was a referendum on Obama. Obama is above being blamed for anything but Bush was guilty of anything and everything. The stock market is crashing. The debt is growing. The world braces for another recession. If truth be told, I think the only reason we have not been in a recession all along is because of fancy accounting. This government , with it's increased regulation of business ( dodd Frank financial regulation bill) , it's government intrusion in private affairs( Obamacare) , it's abuse of power by the EPA and the devaluing of our currency has created all the uncertianty needed to prolong this recession into a depression. Atlas Sound Money Project » Blog Archive » “Financial Regulation Bill Will Hurt Main Street” 200 Economists & Experts Call ObamaCare Press Release :: Forum Panelists Overwhelmingly Say EPA's Policies Are Hurting Jobs, Economy in Rural America :: Committee on Agriculture :: U.S. House of Representatives Quantitative Easing Hurts Average Workers | Economy In Crisis The Obama administration has not made policies that promote business in America. This administration has been a hinderance on the American economy by it's support of regulations and policies that limit growth and place burdens on them that make it impossible to compete in the global marketplace. The cuddling up to unions , especially public unions, have hurt this country. A socialistic European democracy doesn't work in America. This country is dieing do to being strangled by it's government. The rape of America by unions being supported by democrats have destroyed the manufacturing base of this country. The teachers unions have ruled over the collapse of American education. People believe America is on the wrong path. I believe that America may never be able to recover from what democrats have done to this country over the last 80 years. We have bankrupted America with the feel good social programs. Failed Liberal Progressive Social Programs Bankrupting America | Village of the Banned 84% of mainstream think country's going in wrong direction (poll, health care, conspiracy) - Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - City-Data Forum For this country to survive, every democrat must be thrown out and we must get back to basics. Progressive socialistic government has all but destroyed America. There will be no America left soon because of their debt. We are on the path destruction just as the ussr self destructed.
No it isn't. The GDP is straightforward and it always has been. And it is positive. Thi s is nonsense. The unions were 35% of the manufacturing workforce in the 1940's, today they are 13%. Read my lips . . . Union workforces are a small minority. The manufacturing base of the country has eroded because of corporations out-sourcing factories overseas to cheap foreign labor that we have no control over. Those people should leave. Patriotic people think America is and will remain the greatest democracy on the planet. Republicans have played a huge hand in what has gone on in this country. An awful lot of great things have happened to the USA in the last 80 years. You want me to start listing them for you? America is not bankrupt and was doing fine before republicans over 8 years implemented two huge unfunded bureaucracies, started two expensive wars that they did not effectively prosecute, while irresponsibly cutting income at the same time and causing the biggest recession since the Great Depression. You still don't even understand what socialism is. Your faith is America is disappointing. You grasp of history is poor. America is nothing at all like the USSR.