this is probably one of those deals where the truth lies somewhere in between the two stories we are getting. I would agree that his agent is working off of a 24 hour strategy to down play the entire thing and try and sweep it under the rug. Small town cops, though often well meaning, are more times than not on some sort of power trip.....especially the younger ones. Older cops are usually a bit more subdued.
his name wasn't sterling at LSU....he was suspended for the Auburn game during the 2011 season for getting busted for smoking synthetic pot with TM7, Ware and someone else on the team. I personally have no problems with him smoking pot but for the record he isn't a school boy or anything.
I hope this doesn't effect his draft status or reputation, but it's NEVER a good idea to give a cop an attitude. I ended up in jail over some kind of nonsense like this. You never win. Yes sir and no sir a cop to death. I just got out of a sure traffic ticket the other day by kissing a cop's butt. Not that that's the right thing to do, but it'll possibly save you money and jailtime.
I think he gets drafted tonight. I also think that, perhaps, Tharold Simon should be given the benefit of the doubt. I don't think he's ever gotten into any trouble before. I don't remember hearing anything like that anyway. I agree with Tiger in NC.....the truth probably lies somewhere in between.
Couldn't be a worse way for Tharold Simon to kick off Tharold Simon day.....I really hope the "do you know who I am?" isn't true....there is no worse one liner, clean it up Simon.
It's Louisiana, and Eunice at that, people piss outside. My grandmother used to have a sign over her back door in Cottonport that said restrooms out back.