I don't have to seek liberals where I work at LSU. The place is filled with true liberals, most of who think I'm a goose-stepping fascist. FSA is filled with right wing nut jobs who think I'm Teddy Kennedy or something. There can be no better measure of a moderate than to be antithesis to the left and to the right. Alternatively, I might be a simple contrarian who argues against the herd mentality regardless of the politics. I might even be Grad.
this country has a real hard time finding good presidents, so i say repeal it. when/if we get a good one we can vote them in again. i would add a provision where 60% popular vote would be required for terms 3+.
I never heard the story behind this, could you send me a private message with the details if you want.
Yeah, repealing the 22nd Amendment gets about as much traction as a dog running on linoleum. Lots of activity, but nothing happens and it usually ends with a crash. But I do agree with federal legislative term limits. I also recognize the need for institutional knowledge and long term thinking, so I would propose an aggregate 18- or 24-year term limit, while leaning more the 18-year side.
Well there is a shocker!!! You love this turd of a POTUS so of course you would want him to stick around. So glad this shit won't happen